Posts Tagged
Volkisch Movement

Everything Looks Permanent Until Its Secret Is Known
commentary by Blake Hood EMERSON, in his “Circles,” eloquently expressed the ever-changing nature of reality: There are no fixtures in Nature. The Universe is fluid and volatile. Permanence is but a word of degrees. Our globe seen by God is a transparent law, not a mass of facts. The law…

The Volkish Philosophy of Life
OVER AGAINST ALL this, the völkisch concept of the world recognizes that the primordial racial elements are of the greatest significance for mankind. In principle, the State is looked upon only as a means to an end and this end is the conservation of the racial characteristics of mankind. Therefore…

Building Volkish Networks
“A SMALL NUMBER of dedicated folks can pool resources. If they wanted to buy physical space in the form of a business, land, or other useful assets it would be enough for say, three guys working two jobs each (for a length of time but not permanently) to save up money. Find a method of passive income, and from…

Be Jubilant
by Lucas Hood “Grab life by throat and make it give us what we desire”— the thief Valeria from Conan the Barbarian BE JUBILANT. It goes without saying that our times are tough, perhaps tougher than ever before. Being born into this age is the greatest gift of fate that we could have. We were given the…

Strategic Relocation and Volkish Coagulation
BACK IN THE “aughts” I was a leftist — a sincere, back-to-the-land, anti-capitalist, anti-globalist leftist. My main concerns at that time were globalization and peak oil. I was a “peaknik” and a “doomblogger” desperate to extricate myself from the economic Titanic. Sometime after 9/11 a sizable…

The New Authority
by Broadhat We need:
The new authority.
Renew authority.
High trust
Self disciplined
Loyal to the Folk
Kings above,
Folk below,
Same blood, same soul,
same destiny.
They compromised their loyalty,
They compromised their blood.
Neither fish nor fowl;
nor folk or fully foe.
Pity them, if pity have you…
The new authority.
Renew authority.
High trust
Self disciplined
Loyal to the Folk
Kings above,
Folk below,
Same blood, same soul,
same destiny.
They compromised their loyalty,
They compromised their blood.
Neither fish nor fowl;
nor folk or fully foe.
Pity them, if pity have you…

First Words Of The New Era
selected by Blake Hood HE CONFESSED TO Else in June 1923 that he felt that he did not fit into this world. She, too, was becoming disheartened. She had written at the end of April that it was awful “the ways these bleak, grim times, unremittingly weigh us down, making you so disconsolate, so miserable.”…

Volkish Socialism
by Blake Hood
Let us not abandon the life line of all movements simply because the pursuit of money is the joy of Judah. Sometimes war is action other than guns or swords…Dirty hands and a pure heart are not mutually exclusive. Victory goes to the cunning first, then to the brave. — David Lane

A Volkish Take on Sex Relations
by Blake Hood
“Woman lives more in being, man more in consciousness. To woman belongs the present, to man the future or the past. Masculine logic corresponds to woman’s feeling for measure. Man strives, but woman lives. Man is the centrifugal force, but woman is weightier. Woman is short-sighted…

William Gayley Simpson: A Volkish Life
I almost titled this “Simpson: The American Nietzsche” but I feel that Simpson is actually far superior to the German philosopher. by Blake Hood
I care about life. What I care about most is that I may find it, and that finding it I may arouse in other men to a sense of life which is in them also. I care that…