Posts Tagged
Viktor Orban

Another Victory: Hungary to Amend Constitution
IT’S SOMEWHAT unsettling that there is still a significant percentage of White Americans who earnestly believe that “my Constitution” is going to protect them from the encroaching tyranny and rot. This document was birthed by the highest ideals of White Western Civilization…

We Are Not Alone: Zsolt Bayer’s White Genocide Speech
ZSOLT Bayer, Hungarian author, journalist, publicist, is one of the founders of Fidesz, the current ruling political party of Hungary of which Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is the leader and founder. Fidesz was founded as a youthful underground anti-communist movement in the 1980s, and has grown…

Hungarian PM Orban: Jewish Oligarch George Soros is Behind “Migrant” Invasion, Controls Clintons
HUNGARIAN Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has voiced his support for Jarosław Kaczyński, the leader of Poland’s governing conservative PiS party, who said in connection with Bill Clinton’s recent derogatory statement concerning the two countries that the former US President should “turn to a doctor”.…

Hungary Border Fence Success, Balkans Route Down to ‘a Trickle’
Hungary is making some progress, but it is not enough. All of the weasel-words and arguing over technicalities must end, and all our nations must be ruled by these racial principles: Immigration for Whites only; citizenship for Whites only; leadership by Whites only; ownership of assets by Whites …

Hungary’s Supreme Court Approves Referendum: People Will Be Allowed to Reject EU Mass Invasion Plan
VIKTOR ORBAN (pictured), Hungary’s prime minister, saw his plan for a national referendum on “migration” approved by his nation’s supreme court this week.
A top court in Hungary gave the green light for a national referendum this autumn in which the country’s government…
A top court in Hungary gave the green light for a national referendum this autumn in which the country’s government…

Hungary ‘Anti-Semitic’ Statue Plan Sparks Protests
SEVERAL HUNDRED people including a US envoy joined a protest Sunday organized by Jewish groups in Hungary against a planned statue of a World War II-era politician who had held anti-Semitic views.
Around 300 protesters gathered near the building site of the monument, a life-size bronze statue of Balint…

Calling Hungary’s Viktor Orban a Racist Isn’t Working
WE ARE ALL aware of how everyone high and low in the West cowers before charges of “racism,” “xenophobia,” etc. It’s beautiful to see Hungary’s PM Viktor Orban (pictured) rejecting such talk out of hand and calling attention to the failure of multiculturalism. Whereas other European leaders, like…

Hungary’s Orban Says Illegal Immigration Threatens Europe
EDITOR’S NOTE: Much of what is said here shows concern for the future of Hungary and Europe as a whole. But, if Orban is so concerned for Europe’s demographic future, why did he effectively ban a conference by a group that was trying to do something about it? Is he trying to co-opt the issues…