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Andrew HamiltonEssays

Denmark, showing the locations of the ancient Danish wall and Viking trading hub of Hedeby. Germany is south of the wall, southern Sweden hangs down from the upper right. by Andrew Hamilton DENMARK OCCUPIES the Jutland Peninsula. In the south, where the peninsula joins the mainland, the prehistoric…
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by Blake Hood THE MODERN White American is a fat, soft, domesticated animal. Those who want to be Volkish must be the complete opposite — they must be strong and fit and wild. One cannot be a proud member of the Volk if one is fat and weak. Beyond that basic principle, you need to remember two thing in…
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Götterdämmerung by Dr. Peter H. Peel When spring lightly touches, With hand green and golden, The mountains and fjords, Then shouts the sea rover, “A-viking! A-viking!” The hammers are busy, On weapon and harness. Then flashes the broad blade, In every sea hamlet. The dragon ships, thirsty, For bounding…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce Unending Struggle Between European and Asian in the East Slavic Lands Repeatedly Overrun by Asian Hordes Sviatoslav, Viking Ruler, Stamps out Khazar Pest Mongol Terror Rules Russia for 250 Years TODAY THE GEOGRAPHICAL boundary between Europe and Africa-Asia runs roughly…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver THE New Scientist for 20 January 1990 is especially interesting. It contains on one page the latest in a long series that describe the dire effects that the much-touted “greenhouse effect” will have on the world, unless the industrial production of carbon dioxide is…
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by Tim Murray NEWS ITEM: The Vikings travelled much farther in North America than previously thought. On this basis I am prepared to file a land claim. I am, on my mother’s side, descended from Vikings and can trace my lineage back to the 10th century. I will demand compensation from the government…
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Classic Essays

Jacques de Mahieu, born in Marseilles in 1908, served in a French artillery detachment during World War II. After the war, to avoid persecution for his nationalistic views, he left France for Argentina, where he taught social science and founded the Institute for Human Science. Most of his later years
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IN SWEDEN, while Uppland boat burials are all for men, in Tuna, Västmanland, the boat burials contain women. The only runestone dedicated to a woman, the Odendisa stone, is also in Västmanland. By the 1st century AD, the Nordic boat cult was expressed in this area in the form of ship-shaped stone…
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THERE WAS a flourishing civilisation in Northern Europe long before the Viking era. This video shows some archaeological artefacts from England and Sweden dating from the Nordic Bronze Age, the Migration era and the Vendel era. I also have some footage of the living history group Wulfheodenas whose…
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by Andrew Hamilton THANKS to the sagas, it has long been known that Vikings reached the North American continent about 1000 AD. But not until the 1960s did archaeological evidence emerge in Newfoundland, Canada to corroborate the written accounts. Until recently, that site provided the only archeological…
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