Posts Tagged
Vietnam War

Will Williams in Vietnam
by Hadding Scott
SINCE Will Williams became an officer of the National Alliance in the early 1990s, it has happened from time to time that someone would try to cast doubt on his military record. For example, Dr. William Pierce wrote in the National Alliance Bulletin of November-December 1992 that one…

Memorial Day Memories
by Alan Kidd
IT’S MEMORIAL DAY. A day when, here in America, we are to remember those who have fallen, who have died in wars “protecting us and our freedoms.” On the surface, this all seems fine and well. But I’m a guy who likes to think. This morning while still in bed doing some…

My Political Education
by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)
I WAS BORN on a Summer morning in 1956, in Anchorage, Territory of Alaska. My parents had moved to Alaska some five years earlier, shortly after they were married, since that was where my father, an Air Force Master Sergeant, was assigned. I was my parent’s first child.…

The Guy Who Got Caught
by Richard B. Spencer
THERE’S always been something suspicious . . . something very feminine, as well . . . about conservatives’ gushing worship of the U.S. military and anyone who’s “served.” Should we really be grateful to the U.S. military for anything? Do we really owe our “freedom” to those…

American Capital’s Love Affair with Soviet Communism
SOVIET COMMUNISM has not been fashionable in elite media and academic circles since 1992. Stalinists are now more often depicted as “conservatives” than leftists, and Communism is seen as a symptom of “nationalism.” A BBC documentary on North Korea declared that country to be a “fascist dictatorship,”…

The World in False Face
Maggie Thatcher (pictured), Britain’s 80s version of Sarah Palin, and the hidden agenda behind the warmongers
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE CURRENT issue of News of the New World (Honeydew, South Africa) contains an excerpt from the issue of Special Office Brief for 20 June 1985. It is a clear statement…