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Canada: A Rogue State that Needs to Be Put Down
by David Sims AT A TIME when most countries are eliminating covid vaccine requirements, Canada is now under martial law because Justin Trudeau, who serves the globalists rather than Canadians, doesn’t want to do likewise. The police have attacked protesters in Ottawa, and the protesting truckers…

Resistance Isn’t Futile
by John Massaro FIRST things first. If you are of European ancestry, and yearn to know the truth about what is happening in America and around the world, and are basically conservative but disgusted by the mealy-mouthed, multimillionaire Fox News crowd, and namby-pamby conservative outfits like…

Covid News: Building to a Climax
Are we approaching a Ceausescu situation, where public rage will result in the tyrants being dragged into the streets and killed? by John Massaro AS WITH OTHER MAJOR historical events involving many players, hidden agendas, and secret agreements, we’ll never know the full truth about the Covid-19…

The Rotten Elite: New Uses for the Covid Scare?
by David Sims DR. ANTHONY Fauci has been criticized for having part of the responsibility for the genetic alteration of the coronavirus that caused the covid-19 pandemic. The Chinese Communist Party didn’t do it all by themselves, it is said. Certain US citizens were also involved, and Fauci…

Let Jewish Billionaires Rewrite My Genetic Code? Sign Me Up! (Not)
by David Sims REGARDING the coronavirus, the lockdowns only made sense in the very beginning, before covid became endemic. Now the only thing lockdowns do is supply evolutionary pressure to cause the virus to mutate into different strains. The same thing is true of the mRNA vaccines. Using the vaccines…

There Isn’t Any (Good) Reason for Vaccine Mandates
by David Sims A LARGE study done in the UK showed that the covid vaccine doesn’t significantly reduce your chance of being infected with coronavirus, nor does it significantly reduce your risk of infecting other people, if you are yourself infected. What it does is reduce the symptoms of covid, if you…

by David Sims NICKI MINAJ is a Black singer. She is a celebrity with leftist politics. But recently Minaj told the truth about covid vaccine side-effects that happened to someone known to her family. My cousin in Trinidad won’t get the vaccine cuz his friend got it & became impotent. His testicles…

Convid Nineteen Injections, Revisited
by David Sims THE FRENCH know how to do an organized demonstration. Over the weekend, 425,000 French citizens took to the streets to protest covid vaccine mandates. Almost 100,000 Dutch citizens turned out in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, protesting the same thing. Smaller anti-vaccine-mandate…

Hey Con-vid 19
by David Sims THE “vaccine passport” is meaningless as a health measure, and it can be understood only as a power grab by the elite. Basically, it comes down to this: Either the vaccine works, or it does not work. And, either way, the vaccine passport idea is total nonsense. If the vaccine…

Beware the Coronavirus Vaccines
by David Sims AN EQUATION or two for your consideration: The Coronavirus Vaccine / The Tuskeegee Syphilis Study ≈ 1
The Tuskeegee Syphilis Study − The Coronavirus Vaccine ≈ 0 Don’t be getting the coronavirus vaccine. It was rushed to market, mostly so that Big Pharma could make a profit, and the…
The Tuskeegee Syphilis Study − The Coronavirus Vaccine ≈ 0 Don’t be getting the coronavirus vaccine. It was rushed to market, mostly so that Big Pharma could make a profit, and the…