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CommentaryEssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro HAD SOMEONE with extraordinary prophetic powers predicted, at the end of 2019, what would happen in 2020, and what the world situation would be like today, I would’ve written him off as a colorful lunatic or an aspiring horror story novelist. Even I, fully aware of the evil inherent in…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

O beautiful, for spacious skies… American Dissident Voices broadcast of 30 July, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom
interviewed by Farren Shoaf ON THIS WEEK’S…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 23 July, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom
interviewed by Farren Shoaf ON TODAY’S ADV, I’m presenting the interview I just did on the Alternative…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro ON MAY 2nd I received an email with the subject line “Poison vax and your attacks on Christianity” from a Jeff in Illinois. He was not applying for the cash prize. It was a long, rambling letter, only a few sentences of which mentioned vaccination, specifically the Covid jab. Since Jeff…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro THIS IS A SERIOUS discussion, but no one is ever going to take the imp out of me, so I’ll begin it with an off-color but relevant story. Many years ago my ex-wife and I were traveling around France in a rental car, and as has always been my custom when I’m behind the wheel, I combine places of interest…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro MUCH OF THE WORLD is in turmoil over everything related to Covid. I can’t help but believe that our current situation is similar to what happened in ancient times when, throughout the civilized world of the Roman Empire, people must have been fiercely divided between those who held firm…
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John MassaroNews

by John Massaro I NOTICED THAT Philip Caputo belatedly posted my comment of March 8th on his Web site, under his January 30th “dispatch,” and again I was surprised. I admire him for that, because it did not reflect well upon him, and he did not add his own comment as he had previously. I’d…
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EssaysJohn MassaroNews

Update 2 is coming soon. by John Massaro ABOUT A MONTH AFTER posting my $30,000 offer, I hit upon the idea of contacting, or maybe I should say confronting, certain established people who had voiced their support of the Covid-19 injection – voiced it on the scale from docile airhead to screeching…
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EssaysJohn MassaroNews

The following offer appears on the author’s personal vaccine-critical Web site,, and is made by him, not us — but to give it the publicity I believe it deserves, we are re-publishing it here for your edification and enjoyment. by John Massaro IT TOOK DOCTORS MORE than 2000…
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Dr. Peter McCullough HOW SAFE ARE the COVID-19 jabs? Should everyone be taking them? Are people who get these “vaccines” more likely to get sick? Are there dangerous reactions? What might be the long-term effects of these injections? Can genetic material in the vaccines be incorporated…
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