Posts Tagged
US Constitution

Violent Opinions
AS OUR ancestral homeland commits Semitic suicide, we can take solace in the awesome power of muh constitution, which will protect us and stand forever, just like all our physical monuments. Our enemies are sure to respect the stern warnings on yellow toilet paper written in the distant past by evil…

Square Corners and Suicide Pacts
A graphic used in a MALDEF puff piece. This is literally how our enemies see America’s future, and they see it as desirable. I’m sure they don’t intentionally mean it to be horrifying, but… by Douglas Mercer IN GERMANY the National Socialists invested huge amounts of effort…

Why the Constitution Failed
by Revilo P. Oliver IT IS A truism that we are mortal and that the ineluctable necessity of death is inherent in the biotic structure of our being: nascentes morimur. But oddly, perhaps, we Aryans also have an instinctive longing for a changeless eternity: Doch alle Lust will Ewigkeit. And since reason…

Illiberal Law
by Douglas Mercer SOMETIME IN the 1960s legal scholars on the left began to detect vague penumbras and emanations in the US Constitution, the existence of which no one before had ever suspected. Out of these spectral openings emerged new unheard-of rights: the right to contraception, the right to an…

Restoring the Republic
by Revilo P. Oliver DURING THE PAST several years, every month or six weeks on the average, I have received an impassioned essay from some gentleman who has discovered a way to restore the American Republic by Constitutional means. The essays range from twenty to two hundred or more pages; some are loose…

Israel Lobby’s Activities Are Massively Illegal
Their campaign “help” and other “benefits” to lawmakers violate the Emoluments Clause. A NATION’S sovereignty is susceptible to foreign influence via bribery, blackmail, favors, etc. The founders of the United States knew this very well; they feared it happening…

Early American Territorial Expansion: A Primer from Dred Scott (1857)
by Andrew Hamilton A GOOD PICTURE of the legal mechanics of American Territorial expansion in the period from the founding of the Republic to the Civil War emerges in the historic Supreme Court slavery decision Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393-633 (1857) (“Dred Scott”). By a vote of 7-2 the Court ruled…

The Bear in the Bush
by Revilo P. Oliver THE CHANGE in the cast of the perpetual comedy staged in the White House was of some minor importance. (ILLUSTRATION: Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush) Old Ronnie was a stupid galoot. According to Newsweek, he at least once sent a letter of condolence to one of the fictitious characters…

The Basics of American Corruption
And why the founders believed Americans have a right to armed action to create political change by David Sims THE US Constitution is “executed” by the executive branch of the government: the police at all levels should enforce the Constitution first and foremost, and the most frequent…

Florida: Review Board Considers Special Grand Jury to Indict Leaders of Washington Regime
“Legalism” — that is, showing that the Washington regime is illegal in various ways — is not the full solution. And some of the legalists’ theories are lacking. But the rising anger against the tyrannical anti-White System is a healthy sign of a new nation being born…