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Ur-Fascism Contra Universal Nationalism
I discuss the universal nationalism that grounds several Alternative Right and New Right groups; in opposition to it, I propose an ur-fascist alternative. by Organon tou Ontos UNIVERSAL NATIONALISM is the view that 1) every people wants its own nation, 2) every people is entitled to its own nation,…

The USSR Did Not “Save the World” from Fascism; the Soviet Union Was Saved from a One Front War with Germany
In May of every year, the successor state to the USSR inflicts on itself and other nations the exasperated delusion that it “saved the world” from fascism. Had Britain not given Poland a war guarantee, there would have been no war in the West, no German invasion of France or the Low Countries,…

A Few Remarks on Democracy
by Corneliu Codreanu (pictured)
In this piece, the founder and leader of the Romanian Iron Guard, Corneliu Codreanu, assails the vices of pluralistic and plutocratic “democracy”: Its factionalism, divisiveness, and propensity to elevate Jews and aliens over the interests of a native…

by Organon tou Ontos
THE FOLLOWING amplifies the concept of Ur-Fascism advanced by Umberto Eco.
Ur-Fascism is both unity and multiplicity, like life itself: Unity in its embodiment of a single phenomenon and multiplicity because of the diversity and disparity within that phenomenon. “Ur” means…