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Georgetown Law School: Even Anti-Racists Are Racist
Professor forced out after doing nothing more than privately mentioning how it upsets her that, every year, most Black students are near the bottom of her classes — and now a second professor is sanctioned because he was part of the discussion and did not condemn the other’s words with “sufficient…

In the Slums of Academe
by Revilo P. Oliver ACCORDING TO a despatch from the United Press, published in the Portland Oregonian on 16 April and doubtless other newspapers, a jury in Atlanta awarded $2,500,000 to a young woman, Jan Kemp, formerly an instructress in the University of Georgia, who was fired from her untenured…

The Dartmouth College Case
by Revilo P. Oliver AROUND THE middle of the eighteenth century a Puritan holy man named Eleazer Wheelock set out to bring his gospel to the Indians in the yet unsettled parts of New Hampshire and Vermont. His undertaking was not the mischievous meddling that is the usual occupation of missionaries.…

Lack of Diversity
The mural THERE ARE ONLY two historical events you need to know about: muh slavery and the precious six million lost to homicidal gas chambers. It would probably be best if you didn’t learn too much about even these approved scraps of the past. We don’t want you finding out about the Jewish…

California Makes it Illegal for Students to Skip Anti-White Brainwashing
Universities around the country are following suit. TWO MORE Universities in the US are demanding that students enroll on ‘race and ethnicity’ courses, with the Governor of California signing a mandate for the classes into law. California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill 1460…

Attack by a Coward
Salisbury University President Charles Wright OUR DEAD MONGREL nation has a severe problem with “racism” that can only be solved when the past is completely erased in favor of kosher fictions and every remaining White is killed or driven off in the name of “justice.” After…

Our Boob Hatcheries
by Revilo P. Oliver THE WINTER ISSUE of the Skeptical Inquirer reports, without skepticism, the findings of a Gallup Poll, which has no apparent political implications and may be accepted with only the usual formal reservation about the selection of samples and techniques of interrogation. A total…

Elite College Admissions: Guess Who’s Being Cheated
A NEW study from Georgetown University reveals that if the student bodies of the 200 most selective American colleges were enrolled solely on objective SAT or ACT aptitude test scores, their student bodies would increase from 66 percent White under the current subjective system to 75 percent White.…

The Smiling Face of Whiteness
WE’RE NOT going to find any common cause with a Jewish enemy who wants us all to die in pain and the dark inferiors they use as shock troops against us. This might seem obvious, but it’s still a stunning revelation for a large segment of the White population who sincerely believes we can somehow…

University of Georgia TA: “Some White People May Have to Die”
A WHITE HIGH SCHOOL student stares at an Amerindian and the entire Jewish-dominated American establishment collapses into fits of genocidal rage against Covington Catholic High School and Make America Great Again hat wearing White males.
A Black teaching assistant at the University says “some…
A Black teaching assistant at the University says “some…