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Don’t Go to College (and Other Thoughts on Education)
by John Massaro ASK ANY BOOMER and he’ll tell you how it was drilled into our heads, as teenagers, that “you can’t get anywhere without a college education.” What that actually meant was that you couldn’t get a job that paid well. When it came time to enter the workforce, we were led to believe, a college…

The Jews Are Our Misfortune Redux, part 3
Not all the young people who are newly seeing the Jews as problematic are worthy of — or capable of understanding — the National Alliance message of racial progress. But some can indeed be awakened. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 18 May, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom LAST WEEK I DISCUSSED…

The Jews Are Our Misfortune Redux, part 2
This new National Alliance sticker (click for the large, printable version) — which our Chairman suggests may be our most radical yet — is sized to be printed on standard 5.5×4.25-inch sticker blanks. All National Alliance members and supporters should have already received,…

The Jews Are Our Misfortune Redux
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 4 May, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom FOR SEVERAL years now, especially since the George Floyd riots and the 2021 coup that installed Resident Biden, anti-White and Soros-backed prosecutors’ offices in our major cities have refused to prosecute even flagrant…

America’s Rising Tide of Incompetence, part 2
Complex systems can’t be maintained by incompetent people. WHEN EXPLICIT EXCLUSION is used to eliminate groups like White men from selection processes, it is done subtly. Managers are told to sequester all the resumés from “non-diverse” candidates — that is, White males. These resumes are…

America’s Rising Tide of Incompetence, part 1
America: no more golden eggs if the goose is replaced by rats. Complex systems won’t survive the competence crisis.
The strength of the US now is like the continuing momentum of Achilles’ spear five seconds after he threw it and three seconds after he was killed. (Kevin Alfred Strom)

They Can’t Just Kill Us Outright — or Can They?
Steven Shaviro by Douglas Mercer KEVIN ALFRED STROM HAS postulated that every subversive Jewish action can in fact be boiled down to one motive: to stop White people from having more children. It stands to reason. In their campaign of White genocide they can’t just kill us outright, right? So…

Stanford Gets Spooked
by Douglas Mercer LELAND STANFORD WAS ONE of those old guys with his head screwed on right; they didn’t mollycoddle or play pink tea way back when, you know: The cause in which we are engaged is one of the greatest in which any can labor. It is the cause of the white man. I am in favor of free white American…

Academic Slums, part 1
by Revilo P. Oliver THE GRANDPARENTS or great-grandparents of most Americans watched in uncomprehending stupefaction while John Dewey and his gang of crypto-Communist racketeers took over the public schools and converted them into engines that manufactured the uneducated and uneducatable White…

The Rot and the Stench
by Revilo P. Oliver I HAVE commented often enough in these pages on the putrefaction of what once were institutions of higher learning in the United States and Europe. I shall here quote two paragraphs from a publication of an organization called Accuracy in Academia, of which the mail address is 1275…