Posts Tagged
United States

1795: Jews Profited from First US-Muslim Conflict
A Dey in the life of Coen Baccri
THE SEIZURE OF Western hostages by Muslims is a habit hallowed by age, yet it appears to be another contretemps with which our ruling Liberal-Minority Coalition is unable to contend. The British Empire’s solution to the problem was to launch an attack on the perpetrators…

Mass Invasion Forces US Homeland Security to Release 100,000 Illegals in 15 Months
THE US DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY has been forced to release at least 100,000 illegal invaders from detention by court orders, federal laws regarding the detention of minors, and a simple lack of accommodation over the past 15 months.
Homeland Security officials say they had to release the illegals …

Will the Jews and the Washington Regime Succeed in Starting a War With Russia?
With Trump’s appointment of the odious warmonger John Bolton — who has never seen a Jew or a Zionist murder campaign he didn’t like — as National Security Advisor today, things look bad for peace in this world.
by The Irish Savant
FOR QUITE SOME TIME I’ve been puzzled…

The Rampaging Outlaw
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE TRIBUNAL in Tel-Aviv-on-the-Potomac has upheld a lower court, which sentenced Manuel Antonio Noriega, the former President of Panama, to forty years in prison for having offended Lord Bushy. That was to be expected, since, as we all know, the function of the Revolutionary Tribunal…

US Pays Capitalists $2 Billion to Hire Aliens
THE U.S. GOVERNMENT’S “Optional Practical Training” (OPT) program pays American companies to employ foreign graduates over the head of Americans, and in the 2017 financial year “swiped” $2 billion from trust funds for the elderly to favor 240,000 alien college graduates over an equal number…

Ayn Rand and the “Californian Ideology” as Proximate Causes of U.S. Economic Decline
by Hadding Scott
THIS IS ABOUT Adam Curtis’ documentary, All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (2011).
Ayn Rand, a Jewess born in Russia, got into Hollywood screenwriting through Jewish connections. After being required to write a screenplay for a story in which she hated all the characters,…

Invaders Being Spread Throughout US on Commercial Flights
INVADERS entering the United States illegally through the southern border are quietly being relocated to different parts of the country on commercial flights, high-ranking Homeland Security officials told investigative Web site Judicial Watch this week. In the last few days alone, groups of illegal…

The Distorted US ‘Right Wing’ View of Europe’s Situation
by Organon tou Ontos
I recently read Coulter’s answers to a series of questions put to her by Voice of Europe. Her responses reflect assumptions that are taken for granted by the Trump administration and the entire ‘right wing’ complex in the US. The root of Europe’s problems…

Russia to Launch “Independent Internet”
Beginning with switchable Domain Name Servers for BRICS countries; distrust of Washington-controlled infrastructure underlies move
THE RUSSIAN SECURITY COUNCIL has asked the country’s government to develop an independent Internet infrastructure for BRICS nations, which would continue to…

Dreams and Nightmares
WE NEED A LOT more unskilled Latino peasants in our globalist bazaar, a lot more. Just ask almost any elected official. They “pump” money into muh economy, helping already obscenely wealthy bastards become slightly more wealthy. If that doesn’t convince you, and why wouldn’t…