Posts Tagged
United Nations
The High Commissioners
Blinken by Douglas Mercer JEW TONY BLINKEN is nominally our Secretary of State. While he was being confirmed he told a crazy cock-and-bull story about how his father, or his stepfather, or some Jew, was rescued from a “death camp” by a roving band of American Negroes; it turns out the story…
Richard McCulloch’s The Racial Compact – Part Two – The Call for a Charter of Racial Rights to Prevent Genocide
Below is a condensed version of Richard McCulloch’s modern classic The Racial Compact: A Call for Racial Preservation, Racial Independence, Racial Rights and Racial Good Will. This series of essays calls for “a new concept of racial relations that promotes the continued existence, independence…
UN: Criminalization Is Not Enough; Pro-White Web Sites Must Be Shut Down
MORE AND MORE White people are becoming aware of the fact that if present political trends continue, the destiny of their descendants will be to live as a persecuted minority dominated by people who see them as racial adversaries. Resistance to this is mobilising, largely via the Internet. The United…
A Call to All Humanity: Return to Sovereign Ethnostates
by James L. Miller, PhD Many people who promote multiracial and multicultural societies often mean well in that they feel they’re creating a more peaceful world. But they ignore the lessons of history and thus are laying the seeds for unimaginable future conflict and bloodshed. MULTICULTURALISM…
The Lesson of Haiti
by Dr. William L. Pierce THIS MONTH the last of the United Nations “peacekeeping” troops in Haiti will leave, and the Haitians will be given yet another chance to try to govern themselves. The “peacekeepers” occupied Haiti, along with 23,000 U.S. troops, three years ago,…
Radical, Rational Racial-Nationalism: Needed Now More Than Ever
American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 31, 2016 by Kevin Alfred Strom IT WAS 25 YEARS ago today that this radio program, American Dissident Voices, was born, bringing our message of hope and racial awakening to the men and…
Syrians Celebrate in the Streets of Aleppo as Syrian Army Defeats Last of ISIS Resistance
Red Ice Editor’s Note: 2016 will be remembered as the year (((globalism))) began to wane. ALEPPO STREETS have erupted in celebrations with people waving flags and shooting in the air as reports said the Syrian Army has taken control of the last militant-held areas in the eastern part of the city,…
Nationalism vs. the New World Order
by Dr. William L. Pierce AN INTERESTING thing happened a few days ago: the government of India detonated five nuclear warheads in underground tests, and the establishment in the United States reacted with shock and dismay. This is good news for at least six reasons. I’ll tell you why, one…
Homosexuals Are Normalizing Pedophilia
The following article contains disturbing passages that should not be read by children or sensitive persons. MY LAST ARTICLE about bestiality may have disturbed your stomach, and this article may disturb your heart. Again, I believe awareness is essential to our cause. Truth is our ultimate goal.…
National Association of Chiefs of Police: Arm Yourself Against Influx of Islamic Refugees
Over 100 million guns have been sold in the United States since Barack Obama became president, with nearly 20 million purchased this year alone. Meanwhile European TV reports that gun shops in Austria have been virtually cleaned out of shotguns and other long barreled firearms because of fears of the…