Posts Tagged
Ukrainian Jews

Lawsuit: Two Jewish Oligarchs from Ukraine Buying Up Cleveland With Nearly Half a Trillion Dollars in Laundered Funds
Three of the Optima Ventures current and former properties: Crowne Plaza Hotel, AECOM Building, One Cleveland Center The same sort of self-dealing is committed by Jewish bankers on a regular basis, and it is one of the reasons the anti-White juggernaut is so well-funded: The power to create money must…

Ukraine: Jews Claim White Students — and Teachers — Beat Jewish Teenagers
THIS STORY from Israel’s YnetNews may be the least credible article on the wires in recent days this side of The Onion. Apparently the “anti-Semitism” is so bad in Ukraine that high school students there are beating Jewish teenagers with total impunity — and even the teachers…

Jews, Christians Rally For Israel in Kiev
A number of Jewish and non-Jewish organizations jointly organized the rally, which brought together Jewish oligarchs and MPs.
AROUND a thousand people held a solidarity rally outside the Israeli Embassy in Kiev on Wednesday, waving flags and banners proclaiming “No to terrorism” and, “The Christians…

The “New Ukraine” is Taking the “Yeltsin Route”
People’s assets to be sold for pennies on the dollar; the purchasers will be “foreign investors” — a code word, as usual, for Jewish oligarchs.
UKRAINE SAID Thursday it would offer nearly 350 state firms for sale to foreign investors at an upcoming US conference aimed at saving…

Debt and the Rapid Rise of the BRIC Nations
by David Sims THE ECONOMIST online published an article about the desirability of getting the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) “on our side” — which expression is probably a circumlocution. What they might mean is that it would be desirable to ensnare those four…

“Golden Age for Jews” in New Ukraine
IN 2004, Loli Kantor, an Israeli-American photographer, took a trip to Poland to learn more about what happened to her family during World War II. (ILLUSTRATION: David Fishman of the Jewish Theological Seminary says things have “never been better” for Jews in Ukraine.) Kantor’s parents…

Open letter of Ukrainian Jews to Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin
Presented verbatim; draw your own conclusions.
TO THE President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Mr. President!
We are Jewish citizens of Ukraine: businessmen, managers, public figures, scientists and scholars, artists and musicians. We are addressing you on behalf of…