Posts Tagged
Type of Government

Democracy is a Kind of Death, part 6
by William Gayley Simpson WE TURN now to study the claims of the French revolutionists. These claims they undertook so to establish on abstract, innate, imprescriptible right that the zealot minds that follow them are rendered nearly impervious to evidence that their theories have failed in practice…

Democracy is a Kind of Death, part 5
by William Gayley Simpson THERE ARE TWO items in the record that might give the critic pause. One of these is the success of the United States. The other is French Revolutionary theory, which for the first time undertook to place its claims above the reach of any record and to found them on natural, inborn,…

by Dr. William L. Pierce LET’S TALK about democracy today: about democracy as a system of government and its implications for our future. Democracy is a system where a country’s legislators and its top executives are chosen by a direct vote of the citizenry, more or less; I’m not…

The Heresy of Technological Choice
AMONG THE interesting benefits of writing a blog like this, focusing as it does on the end of industrial civilization, are the opportunities it routinely affords for a glimpse at the stranger side of the collective thinking of our time. The last few weeks have been an unusually good source of that experience,…