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Aimée Terese — A Witty Marxist and Fetching Thorn in the Side of “Woke” Liberals
— Relevant/Suggested Read: “The White Race as Global Proletariat” AIMÉE TERESE is an Australian Marxist who was banned from Twitter for her highly entertaining posts savaging “woke” liberalism as nothing more than a fake protest movement led by useful idiots…
Twitter Censors Trump’s Tweets Within Hours of White House Order Supposedly Preventing Big Tech Censorship
Many are questioning the effectiveness — and even the intent — of Trump’s supposedly anti-censorship order. After all, won’t taking away common carrier legal protections from such platforms, making them now liable for whatever users say, cause them to increase censorship?…
Big Tech Oligarchs’ Best Tool for Censoring the Internet: The Jewish ADL
ADL boss Jonathan Greenblatt The so-called “Anti-Defamation League,” like every Jewish interest group, doesn’t practice what it preaches. In fact, the ADL under CEO Johnathan Greenblatt is one of the main organizations working to defame its political enemies and to censor …
Bringing Racial Consciousness to Social Media
The man behind the Twitter handle Will Westcott (@westland_will) is an exceptional talent who manages to bring meaning and purpose to an otherwise senseless platform through his jarring and substantive commentary. I just created an account myself to follow him. * * *
Source: Twitter…
Source: Twitter…
America Under the Jews’ Heel: A Frankenstein Monster of Kitsch and Sanctimony
by Dissident Millennial BEHOLD THE CONSEQUENCES of a great nation allowing itself to be destroyed by parasites. Talk about Weimar-like degeneracy. For the record, this is the sort of thing Hitler revolted against.
CH: The Post-America Left is an ideology of spiteful destruction and historical,…
Twitter Expands Censorship; Gab Under Pressure
by Hadding Scott [The audio clip contains some raw language; it should not be played by or in the presence of children. — Ed.] YOU MAY RECALL THAT Dylann Roof’s utterly pointless shooting-spree in a Negro church spurred a holy crusade to abolish everything that would betoken a negative…
Facebook Censorship of Alternative Media ‘Just the Beginning,’ Warns Top Neocon Insider
THIS OCTOBER, Facebook and Twitter deleted the accounts of hundreds of users, including many alternative media outlets maintained by American users. Among those wiped out in the coordinated purge (along with innumerable pro-White and Jew-critical accounts, of course) were popular sites that…
The Toxic Media and Their Hate, Lies, and Desperation
by David Sims DURING THE EARLY years of the Soviet Union, a People’s Commissar for Justice (similar to an Attorney General) named Nikolai Krylenko—who, oddly enough, wasn’t Jewish—met with someone accused of a crime, Mikhail Yakubovich. Speaking to Yakubovich, Krylenko said: “I…
Enemy Media
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 7, 2018 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE JEWS and their collaborators are getting more and more blatant in their censorship of those who would expose their crimes and their anti-White agenda. And…
On the Arrogance of Jews as a Factor in Their Downfall
THIS MORNING I was reading a book about the Spanish Inquisition then came across a Twitterstorm that seemed strangely congruent with the passage I had been reading. A month-old tweet from AlbaRising was picked on by elite Jew Ben Shapiro, who then cackled about it with his elite Jew pals, as if it was a…