Posts Tagged
Twentieth Century History

Billy Wilder’s A Foreign Affair (1948): Prostrate Germany As a Source of Laughs
by Andrew Hamilton
TO INFORMED viewers Jewish director Billy Wilder’s acclaimed comedy A Foreign Affair, released in the immediate aftermath of WWII, makes strange viewing today. It provides, however, a window into the strange psyche of the now dominant race.
Set in the ghastly ruins of postwar Berlin,…

The End of the Millennium
What Will the Next Thousand Years Bring?
by Dr. William L. Pierce
AS WE MOVE into the last Presidential administration of this millennium, it may be useful for us to survey our recent past and think about how we can do better in the future. If we are to survive the next millennium, we really must avoid some…

An Introduction to Sir Arthur Keith
by Yggdrasil
I WOULD LIKE to introduce you to Sir Arthur Keith (pictured), father of modern Nationalism and the single most important thinker of the Twentieth Century.
Keith (1866-1955) was born in Scotland, the son of a modest farmer. Trained as a medical doctor, he became one of the first structural…