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The Long March
Replacement migration. by Andrew Hamilton WITH THE accession to power of the Roosevelt regime in 1933, and the defeat of Germany and the rapid expansion of global Communism by the Allies after 1945, America became a de facto Jewish-run state, ruled by a new class obsessed with undermining and destroying…

American Treason
Marketed mainly to American Christians, this incredibly crude Trump “Temple Coin” celebrating the current President’s subservience to Israel on the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, says it all about what America has become. by Douglas Mercer “In America the Jews…

On Treason
A Snordster production based on Taylor Caldwell’s fictionalized version of Cicero in her Pillar of Iron. Though the quote is not Cicero’s, this video is essentially a new creation and raises the passage to new heights not envisioned by pedestrian “conservative” Caldwell.…

The Lesson of South Africa
by Dr. William L. Pierce WE’VE SPOKEN SEVERAL times about the situation in South Africa — in particular, about the systematic murder of White farmers there by Blacks and the failure of the new Black government to stop the murders. The slaughter continues. Since I spoke with you about this…

Democracy of Hypocrisy
Related Content: See also William Pierce’s “The Club”
by Dr. William L. Pierce DURING THE PAST WEEK I was very interested in some of the public reactions to Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura’s comments in a Playboy magazine interview. Governor Ventura, who was a professional…

Killing Little Children
by Dr. William L. Pierce THE SHOOTING at the Jewish community center in Los Angeles happened a couple of days before I prepared my broadcast last week, and I thought that I would just skip it, that I would not comment on it, either in that broadcast or in the future. But I have had many calls from reporters…

Souls for Sale: Price, One Paycheck
by David Sims BEFORE I BEGIN making my point about what Americans have become, consider these words from The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn (pictured, left, above):
The traditional image of arrest is also what happens afterward, when the poor victim has been taken away. It is an alien,…

Whose Treason?
by Revilo P. Oliver THE PRESS has somewhat reluctantly reported the arrest of two men, sergeants in the Marine Corps and also operatives of the C.I.A. stationed in the American Embassy in Moscow (and one of them later in the American Embassy in Vienna), who enabled the Soviets to install electronic surveillance…

Poor Old Ronnie!
by Revilo P. Oliver WE ARE a peculiar race, unlike all others. We, for example, feel compassion for the exhausted and faltering caribou when the wolf-pack closes in for the kill. We feel compassion for the caribou although the wolf is an animal, both courageous and prudent, that our race instinctively…

Treason Is Where You Find It
by Revilo P. Oliver ARNOLD TOYNBEE was one of the world’s most learned men. In his youth, the schools of Great Britain were still unimpaired, and the education he received was one that men of today can only regard with hopeless envy. His learning, however, far exceeded what could be imparted by…