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Confronting a Lying Globalist Mouthpiece and Murderer
This piece was originally written in November, 1997, just after the confrontation it describes. Mr. Williams shows how easy it is to repurpose an enemy event by inserting a little bit of incontrovertible truth into the discourse. by William White Williams (1997) HERE’S A talk you may have missed…

The Torture of Julius Streicher by U.S. Soldiers at Nuremberg
Julius Streicher (right), pictured in the children’s book Trust No Fox in the Green Meadow and No Jew on his Oath We have been down this road before, although most Americans don’t know it. “Breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees; pouring cold water…

Why Revolution is Necessary
William Rehnquist by Dr. William L. Pierce ONE OF THE MOST interesting developments that I’ve seen since September 11 is the public hinting by people in the Federal Bureau of Investigation that it really would be helpful to them if they were permitted to torture suspects or other people from whom…

The “Greatest Generation”
Every month, it seems, yet another movie is released based upon some real or some fanciful event of World War Two. Invariably, like some stylized Greek drama in which the actors all wear the same masks and all chant the same lines, the cast in these propagandistic morality plays are as predictable as the…

Chicago Negroes Express Hatred for Donald Trump by Kidnapping and Torturing White Man
by Hadding Scott THIS MAN MOST likely got into this situation partly through being non-racist and trustful of Negroes. Fox TV’s Chicago affiliate describes him as “mentally disabled.” Apparently he was lured into a stolen vehicle and taken from his suburb to the location in Chicago…

The Content of Their Character
THE NEGRO has no place in a civilized White nation. Attempting to force the genetic alien to somehow live among modern humans has been a total and unmitigated disaster. If you notice this, you are a “racist” and should probably be fined or imprisoned. The monster with the receding forehead,…

Chicago: Sickening Torture of Mentally Disabled White Man by Blacks
This is the future of your children — your elderly parents — and yourself — if we do not retake possession of our country and our destiny. FOUR BLACKS are in custody for streaming a video on Facebook live that showed the gruesome torture of a White man with special needs. CBS Chicago…

Another American Triumph
Cambodia, the Asian race, “humanitarian” delusions, and realism. by Revilo P. Oliver A FRIEND has brought to my attention a book that will be instructive to most Americans, and will serve as an excellent touchstone to test their intellectual maturity. It is Murder of a Gentle Land, by…

Good War…Better Peace
TO HELP CELEBRATE the upcoming 7oth Anniversary of the end of the “Good War” and the beginning of the “Good Peace,” Thomas Goodrich offers the following from his books, Hellstorm — The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947, and Rape Hate — Sex & Violence in War & Peace. And so, with the once mighty…