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Unmasking the God of Israel: The Devil’s Trick, part 2
Yahweh was, according to many scholars, the tribal “volcano god” of the ancient Jews. by Laurent Guyénot
The belief in a cruel god makes a cruel man. (Thomas Paine. The Age of Reason, 1794).
COUNTLESS BIBLICAL STORIES demonstrate that Yahweh is the spirit of murder and theft. We read in…

Unmasking the God of Israel: The Devil’s Trick, part 1
by Laurent Guyénot “THE FINEST trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist,” wrote Charles Baudelaire (Paris Spleen). He was wrong: The devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he is God. Do I believe in the existence of the devil? It depends on the definition. I believe that humans are…

Religious Jews: Leave Town, Wear a Disguise, and Sin Like Crazy
by David Sims THE TALMUD, in Moed Katan 17a, gives advice to Jews who are tempted to sin:
The Gemara asks: What is the reason that he was accepted there? The Gemara answers: Even though he sinned, he still acted in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Ilai, as it is taught in a baraita. Rabbi Ilai says: If a…

“I Will Bless Them that Bless Thee”
by Matt Koehl IN THE FIRST BOOK of the Torah, Christians are given a promise. Here is what that promise says: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the Earth be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3 KJV) This is the actual genesis of all our blessings.…

Jewish Scholar: Roots of Christianity Reveal an Ancient Jewish World
EDITOR’S NOTE: Among the passages of the “New Testament” that are not outright fantasy or fabrication are some lines that simply give background information on the daily lives of Jews, Whites, and others in those times. This Jewish scholar’s work shows us that, in the Roman/Mediterranean…

On the Jews’ Claim to Palestine
by David Sims BELIEVE IT OR NOT, there were thousands of years of human existence prior to Abraham, who was born in southern Sumeria around 1800 BC. Before Abraham was born in Ur, and for some time afterward, the region to the west known as Palestine was not uninhabited. It was already the home of several…

Israeli Deputy FM Uses Torah and Talmud to Justify Occupation
Since Yahweh owns the world, “he” can give any — or all — of it to Jews at any time. NEW Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely on Thursday told ministry employees that all of the Land of Israel belongs to the Jews, and that Israel had no need to apologize for that. (ILLUSTRATION: …