Posts Tagged
Thomas Jefferson

Bloodthirsty Negroes Get Revenge
by Douglas Mercer HOW MANY conservatives and even not-around-the-bend liberals assured us that when it came to statues of White men, it would stop at the Confederates? The statues of the founders themselves would always be secure. There’s no slippery slope, they said, you’re imagining…

Thomas Jefferson Does Not Reflect Virginia’s Values
THE City of Charlottesville, Virginia used to be known as the home city of Thomas Jefferson, one of America’s Founding Fathers who planted the evil seeds of racism and his seed in the enslaved Nubian Princess Sally Hemings. Not to mention one of the Founders of White supremacy, White hegemony, and White…

Jefferson’s Library and the Value of a Classical Education
Much of value has been abandoned by today’s educators. And what will be the fate of this collection if America continues its downward spiral and it comes under the control of politicians little better than savage White-hating animated filth? TO THE STUDENT of the Classics the most interesting…

The United States Was Founded as a White People’s Republic
by James Harting I HOLD THIS TRUTH to be self-evident: that the United States of America was at its inception founded as a country of, by and for White people, regardless of what it has become or degenerated into today. The elites ruling America today, and the Jews prime among them, have replaced the traditional…

Thomas Jefferson’s Lack of Tolerance for Miscegenation
by Hadding Scott CONOR CRUISE O’BRIEN (1917-2008) was an Irish politician and author of histories who took a critical look at Thomas Jefferson and came to the conclusion that Jefferson was anything but a suitable icon for the cause of racial tolerance. From Conor Cruise O’Brien, The …

Charlottesville: Anti-Whites Deface, Desecrate, Shroud Statue of Jefferson
First it was Confederate statues. Now it is statues of Columbus and Jefferson. If we allow these White-hating savages, emboldened by the alien-owned media, to continue it will soon be knocks on the door at midnight and off to the gulag for any White accused of having “racist” books or publishing…

The Denigration of Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson, a lifelong opponent of mixing with Blacks, is commonly accused by anti-Whites of having fathered children by a mulatto slave — but it is extremely unlikely the allegation is true. Introductory Note: Neither the conservative nor the liberal side in this debate likes to acknowledge…

Who’s for Democracy?
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured) DEMOCRACY, in the correct, Jeffersonian sense of that word, still exerts a great influence over the thinking of our contemporaries, although no example of it in practice can be found in the world today. It is a theory that was first formulated in the democratic states of…

The Basics of American Corruption
And why the founders believed Americans have a right to armed action to create political change by David Sims THE US Constitution is “executed” by the executive branch of the government: the police at all levels should enforce the Constitution first and foremost, and the most frequent…

The Democratic Delusion
by David Sims THERE ARE notions, popular with Americans, that I would dispute. One of them was put forth by Thomas Jefferson, an otherwise sensible fellow who became fond of the silly idea that the common man represented a reservoir of wisdom that would nudge the country back into its true course, if…