Posts Tagged

Thomas Goodrich

American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

The bodies are counted just after Valentine’s Day, 1945, in the aftermath of the Dresden Holocaust. American author Kurt Vonnegut was there. Emerging from a shelter into the smoldering ashes of the firebombed city of civilians and refugees, he told a fellow survivor “I’ll never trust my government…
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The remains of apartment buildings in Hamburg where German men, women, and children were incinerated by “Allied” bombers by Nelson Rosit Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944—1947
Thomas Goodrich Introduction I WAS FLATTERED when asked to review Thomas Goodrich’s book Hellstorm
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EssaysNews In Germany, women and girls — more than 5,000 in the first day — came this year to symbolically bring food to the German soldiers who were purposely starved
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by Thomas Goodrich MANY ARE WE who own guns. Some of us even tote ’em. Why? Because, unlike those who do not own, much less carry, guns, me, myself and millions more have gained a glimpse of what is “out there.” At some point in my spin on this mortal coil I have seen the face of evil… raw, soulless evil……
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Earlier this week we blazed new trails by offering an in-depth, super scientific look at info-mania, info-mercials, info-scams, and the worthless info-junk being hustled on TV. If you doubt that this stuff is info-useless, then go to any yard sale or snoop in any garage, basement or out-of-the-way
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Back when I was living under a bridge, back about seven or eight years ago, I had a tiny battery-operated TV. When I couldn’t sleep I’d flip the stupid thing on. Except for the weather channel and two local access stations, at 2-5 AM every channel is airing an infomercial. If you think that this is a sure guarantee
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Members of the “Greatest Generation” enjoying the “Good War” by defecating on the bodies of recently murdered German prisoners. by Thomas Goodrich EVERY MONTH, it seems, yet another movie is released based upon some real or some fanciful event of World War Two. Invariably, like some stylized Greek…
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by Thomas Goodrich I AM KNOWN to rant some on Jews. True, ’tis true. And yes, oft I’m chided by some well-meaning large-hearted imbecile with the simple: “Not all Jews are bad.” Again, true, too true. I have actually those Jews who I counted, and still count, as friends. But know ye now this: We Whites are…
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by Thomas Goodrich WHILE ISRAEL sits nice and comfy behind its wall, Jewish enablers have been pushing White genocide via replacement with hordes of darks flooding the Euro nations of earth. Now, while this program has been in place since the end of WWII, Jews are currently ramping up their attacks against…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Here we see US soldiers murdering helpless captured German troops on April 29, 1945. American Col. Howard Buechner, who researched the incident yet did not condemn it, says 520 disarmed German POWs were slaughtered over the course of a day in this one incident alone. Another US officer, Gen. Felix L.…
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