Posts Tagged
Third World immigration

Barcelona Gets Its Wish
BARCELONA likes to think of itself as The World’s Wokest City. And it has some claim to it. After all a former Mayor had herself filmed urinating in public. You can’t get woker than that. The city has experienced a staggering increase in tourism levels over the last decade or so. To the extent…

Is it All an Accident?
by Kevin Alfred Strom ONE OF THE very few statements that passed the lips of Franklin Roosevelt that was not a lie was this: In politics, nothing happens by accident. If something happens, you may be sure that someone planned it that way. Possibly he let slip that bit of truth in an unguarded moment or while…

Virginia: Pakistani Doctor Sterilized Women, Possibly Hundreds, Without Their Knowledge
Javaid Perwaiz It is unknown what the racial makeup of the victims is, or whether a racial animus was involved. But there is a lesson here: If we fail to establish an all-White nation again, creatures like this — and even worse — will be “taking care” of ourselves, our women, …

Diversity is Our Strength Part IV: The Great Dump of California
For previous installments of this series, see Parts I, II, and III Managed Obsolescence: Homelessness in America’s Gilded Cities
by Jacob Siegel I STARTED READING about the homeless camps spreading across the western United States around 2014. My initial impression was that the stories were paranoid…
by Jacob Siegel I STARTED READING about the homeless camps spreading across the western United States around 2014. My initial impression was that the stories were paranoid…

Trump Blows Mandate to Enforce Immigration Law — Democratic Will of America Overruled — Historic Nation Sentenced to Death
Below are excerpts from an essay by Greg Johnson which argues that American White Nationalists should position ourselves as the real, uncompromised, unvarnished representatives of the National Populism that got Trump elected rather than personally declare war on Trump himself. While I don’t…

The U.K. Diversity Horror Show: A Definitive Indictment of Third-World Immigrant-Run Healthcare
See Also: The U.K. Diversity Horror Show — Multicultural Hospital Costs White Woman 3 Limbs + Fingers & Kidney! Bad Medicine: The Sickening Truth About Britain’s Foreign Doctors by Andrew Joyce, September 2017 An Essex-based family doctor of Indian origin, Manish Shah, has gone…

Turning America into a Toilet
by Dissident Millennial THIS IS A POST I really resent having to write, because every point I am going to stress herein should go entirely without saying in any culture even remotely tethered to reality. Unfortunately, when it comes to the topic of race and immigration in modern America, even the most…

Jewish Rat Stabs America in the Back and Twists the Knife
By Dissident Millennial IN A MALICIOUS outpouring of Semitic filth titled “Only Mass Deportations Can Save America,” Bret Stephens of the New York Times “jokingly” suggests that America would be better off disposing of its native citizenry rather than its Third World immigrants:
In the matter of…