Posts Tagged
the White Race

The White Race, the White Race, the White Race
While we are not at all “White supremacists” in the sense of wanting to rule over other races, it has to be said that our race is supremely good in many important ways. by David Sims RECENTLY ON Quora, the question was posed: “Why is White supremacy a delusion?” The phrasing of…

Race Suicide
by Dr. William L. Pierce THE SALIENT FEATURE of the 20th century was the collective suicide of the White race. In 1900 we ruled the world. We ruled politically, militarily, culturally, economically, scientifically, and in every other way. No other race even came close. We ruled India and Africa directly,…

After Being Banned by Anti-White Jews, Molyneaux’s Response Is “But I’m Not a White Supremacist!”
by David Sims STEFAN Molyneux: So we’re now posturing as Politically Correct, are we? “Contrary to what my detractors say, I am not a white supremacist.” I might play Devil’s Advocate and argue for why you should be a White supremacist, if you can by any means qualify for that…

Love Your Race!
Click on the picture to download this Love Your Race flier (one of many different versions and languages available) in high resolution — then print in mass quantities to distribute and post in your community this month. The original classic flier — download the full size version by clicking on the image.…

Hidden, Lost, and Forgotten
1 THE WHITE RACE today is a lost and forgotten city: overgrown by wild weeds and ivy vines. The stone walls of our city, nearly unrecognizable, are covered by moss and mold, and are filled with many cracks.
Tall trees with wild and untamed branches shroud over ancient castles and temples, casting a shadow…
Tall trees with wild and untamed branches shroud over ancient castles and temples, casting a shadow…

1 RACIAL FRUSTRATION: we’ve all experienced it.
This frustration often leads even the most kindhearted White people to become angry.
But what do the people of today expect? Our most basic and primal instinct has been telling us that there is something wrong with society today. Deep down, the people’s…
This frustration often leads even the most kindhearted White people to become angry.
But what do the people of today expect? Our most basic and primal instinct has been telling us that there is something wrong with society today. Deep down, the people’s…

The Collective Racial Immune System
by Racial Consciousness 1 YOU, individually, are the product of your parents. Everything, collectively, is the product of Nature. In the same way that you inherit the qualities of your parents, so too do you inherit the qualities of Nature, of the natural order. 2 The microcosm reflects the macrocosm,…

It’s a Wonderful Race
by James Bronson THERE ONCE WAS a college freshman named George who thought he knew it all. One night over dinner, George got into an argument with his father. The argument began when the young student tried to explain to his father that as White people, they should be held accountable for all the evils…

Let Us Dream of Something Marvelous And never forget: We chose the right side. As Lehmann Wagner said: “Imagine where the world would be, imagine the heights our people would have reached had He been triumphant over the forces of darkness and…

Racial Preservation is Green: A View from Malta
by Norman Lowell THE GREENS! — One has to admire their idealism. You will find them campaigning for the preservation of the shark, the whale, a snake or spider in deepest Amazon, or some little known lizard in New Caledonia. Yet, when it comes to the preservation of the White race, Greens are virulently…