Posts Tagged
The System

Kyle Rittenhouse Survived Trial by Fire
Kyle Rittenhouse in green shirt. Poor chump. This is not the time for naïveté and misguided idealism. Can he survive the knives of the higher-ups? by Andrew Hamilton ANOTHER IN the endless series of American race riots began on August 23, 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The pretext this time was the police…

The Necessity of Extremism
by Karl Radl EXTREMISM SEEMS to be everywhere these days, from Animal Rights Extremists to Islamic extremists to Far Right Extremists, everything seems to be ‘extreme’. The irony of this is that this identification tag of ‘extremism’ is extremely arbitrary since there is no way to definitely label…

The Lesson of Julian Assange
Julian Assange We hold no brief for Assange’s ideology; if he in fact has a coherent one, we are not aware of it. Being “anti-authority” isn’t a serious ideology. He also seemed to have a blind spot when it came to revealing Israel’s crimes. But that is not author’s…

Untrustworthy Authority
Dubious TV celebrity Michael Baden by Andrew Hamilton From David Sims, “George Floyd and Antifa,” June 1, 2020: “The Floyd family just got 85-year-old celebrity forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden and Black Dr. Alicia Wilson from the University of Michigan to do an independent autopsy,…

The Calculated Destruction of the American Right
by Karl Radl WITH THE recent announcement that the Justice Department have formed a ‘task force’ to ‘counter’ the various ‘Boogaloo’ groups and that the Jewish-run social media giant Facebook has been actively nuking all accounts they ‘associate’ with such groups — which probably just means anyone…

“Set Your System on Fire, and Blow It up”
When one of censored conservatism’s spokesmen suggests that securing his children’s future might require ditching and “blowing up” capitalism and the current System, you know the times they are a-changing. AMERICAN POLITICS are increasingly divided and violent. The…

Have You Noticed?
YOU NOTICE every day that simple things become more expensive. Everyone’s homes and apartments are a little smaller and shabbier. Your work hours are getting longer; increases are small and you can afford less, save less. Job security no longer exists as a concept. You see your family and friends less…

The Modern Cartels Jungle
[T]he power of the hero… [W]hat we need is not more people telling us that ‘they will change things from the inside and take over a mainstream party’ but a new political messiah. by Karl Radl IRVING E. COX’S 1955 science fiction novella, The Cartels Jungle, tells the story of how a newly retired young…

The Necessity of Extremism
by Karl Radl We can see that ‘extremist’ is simply a propagandistic synonym for ‘enemy of the System’ while ‘moderate’ translates to ‘friend of the System’. EXTREMISM seems to be everywhere these days, from Animal Rights Extremists to Islamic extremists to Far Right Extremists, everything seems…

The Total Collapse of America’s Anglo-Saxon Ruling Class, part 4: The Carers
As our world implodes, what can be done by caring White men and women? Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 by Cholly Bilderberger THE PRECEDING COLUMN dealt with the situation in America and ended with this sentence: “In the next, and last, column in this series, I shall outline my notion of what any American…