Posts Tagged
The Future

Non-White Immigration: Death Sentence for America
by Dr. William L. Pierce
TODAY WE’LL TAKE A LOOK into the future — a look into what the future will be like if we all remain spectators and simply let the present course of events continue.
And we’ll also look at what the future could be if we choose to become participants in the historical…

The West Doesn’t Export Freedom — We Export Porn, Casual Sex, and the Blood of the Pre-Born
NATIONS AND CULTURES are fragile things. I was reflecting on this some time ago, reading through the work of that great Russian novelist and historian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who saw with rare clarity of vision what the nihilist secularism of the Soviet state had done to millions of people. Signs…

Check Your Blankets and Candles
by Dr. William L. Pierce (1998)
I WAS HOPING that I’d have enough new information on the Middle East situation before this broadcast to make a forecast, but I don’t. I do see the displeasure of the Jewish policymakers in the Clinton government with the agreement between Iraq and the UN which…

Changing America, part 3
American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 23, 2016
by Kevin Alfred Strom
WHAT ARE our goals? That is a fundamental question that must be answered by any people, any nation that intends to continue to exist on this planet. Without…

Could This Be Humanity’s Last Century?
by Seth Shostak (pictured)
OK, QUICK: Name a few important things that happened in the 11th century.
If you’re not tenured in medieval studies, that may be tough, although several modestly notable events took place in those hundred years — for example, the Battle of Hastings and the launch…

The Future Belongs to Us
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
Dr. Pierce’s Banquet Address AS THIS SECOND General Convention of the National Alliance comes to a close, we have before us a prospect which is a great deal brighter than the one we had at last year’s convention. That is because the Alliance has finally begun to move…
Dr. Pierce’s Banquet Address AS THIS SECOND General Convention of the National Alliance comes to a close, we have before us a prospect which is a great deal brighter than the one we had at last year’s convention. That is because the Alliance has finally begun to move…

Capitalism and the Depletion of Fossil Fuels
by David Sims
The End of Industrial Civilization
INDUSTRIAL CIVILIZATION will finish, and it will have been a singular pulse in the history of Earthly life. Humans might become extinct. If humans continue to exist, their culture will be that of a Stone Age impoverished by the way their near ancestors,…

A World Without White People: A Visual Look at a Mongrel Future
REACTING TO THE latest example of Leftist drivel to issue forth from the bowels of the Huffington Post, in which the idea of Whites becoming a powerless minority in America is celebrated, one has to accurately show what such a future will really look like.
Many of the below pictures were used in an article…