Posts Tagged
The Faustian Spirit
Our Eternal Purpose
American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 21, 2016
presented by Kevin Alfred Strom
ON TODAY’S program, I will be presenting a significant work by Dr. William Luther Pierce, the founder of the National Alliance, that has not…
The Faustian Spirit and Political Correctness
American Dissident Voices Broadcast of July 29, 2000
by Dr. William L. Pierce
WHEN I WAS seven years old I asked for and received my first chemistry set as a Christmas gift. It became the basis for a little laboratory I had in the garage from then until the time I went away to military school eight years later.…
The Faustian Spirit
by Dr. William L. Pierce
The following article is an elaboration of a portion of an address by Dr. Pierce to the General Convention of the National Alliance in September, 1978, entitled “The World View of the National Alliance.”
IN THE LATE Middle Ages there lived in Germany a remarkable scholar reputed…