Posts Tagged
The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: Alexander Solzhenitsyn
by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury TODAY WE bring you Vanessa Neubauer’s new audio book — chapter 15 — of The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which discusses Dr. William Pierce’s exploration and critique of the work of the great Russian intellectual Alexander…
for The American Mercury TODAY WE bring you Vanessa Neubauer’s new audio book — chapter 15 — of The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which discusses Dr. William Pierce’s exploration and critique of the work of the great Russian intellectual Alexander…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: Cosmotheism
by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury COSMOTHEISM is a religion for those of European descent founded by physicist, teacher, philosopher, writer, and American political activist William Luther Pierce. On this week’s audio book installment of the only authorized biography of Dr.…
for The American Mercury COSMOTHEISM is a religion for those of European descent founded by physicist, teacher, philosopher, writer, and American political activist William Luther Pierce. On this week’s audio book installment of the only authorized biography of Dr.…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: Our Cause
by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury THIS WEEK in our audio biography of William Pierce (pictured), read by Miss Vanessa Neubauer, we present author Robert S. Griffin’s exploration of Dr. Pierce’s spiritual ideals, as expressed in his seminal speech Our Cause. Click here for…
for The American Mercury THIS WEEK in our audio biography of William Pierce (pictured), read by Miss Vanessa Neubauer, we present author Robert S. Griffin’s exploration of Dr. Pierce’s spiritual ideals, as expressed in his seminal speech Our Cause. Click here for…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: Timothy McVeigh
by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury AGAIN AND AGAIN the claim is made that Dr. William Pierce’s novel The Turner Diaries was the “inspiration” for Timothy McVeigh’s 1995 attack on the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. But was that true? Professor Robert S. Griffin…
for The American Mercury AGAIN AND AGAIN the claim is made that Dr. William Pierce’s novel The Turner Diaries was the “inspiration” for Timothy McVeigh’s 1995 attack on the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. But was that true? Professor Robert S. Griffin…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: Pierce on The Turner Diaries
by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury TODAY WE ENTER the mind of the author of the most controversial novel ever written — The Turner Diaries. Professor Robert S. Griffin interviews and probes fearlessly into the thinking of Dr. William Pierce, the subject of his unique biography, The…
for The American Mercury TODAY WE ENTER the mind of the author of the most controversial novel ever written — The Turner Diaries. Professor Robert S. Griffin interviews and probes fearlessly into the thinking of Dr. William Pierce, the subject of his unique biography, The…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: The Turner Diaries
by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury WHAT IS PROBABLY the most controversial novel ever written — The Turner Diaries — is the subject of this week’s chapter of our new audio book, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds. (ILLUS.: The cover and autographed title page of a first…
for The American Mercury WHAT IS PROBABLY the most controversial novel ever written — The Turner Diaries — is the subject of this week’s chapter of our new audio book, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds. (ILLUS.: The cover and autographed title page of a first…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: Revilo P. Oliver
by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury RESPECTED PROFESSOR of the classics — co-founder of the John Birch Society — radical racial-nationalist — witness before the Warren Commission — and profound influence on William Luther Pierce: All of these things describe…
for The American Mercury RESPECTED PROFESSOR of the classics — co-founder of the John Birch Society — radical racial-nationalist — witness before the Warren Commission — and profound influence on William Luther Pierce: All of these things describe…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: The National Alliance
by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury WILLIAM LUTHER PIERCE was born 84 years ago today. The political organization he created, the National Alliance, is 47 years old if we count its earliest incarnation, the National Youth Alliance, which began in 1970. It is still making the news today in 2017,…
for The American Mercury WILLIAM LUTHER PIERCE was born 84 years ago today. The political organization he created, the National Alliance, is 47 years old if we count its earliest incarnation, the National Youth Alliance, which began in 1970. It is still making the news today in 2017,…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: George Lincoln Rockwell
by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL (pictured) had a profound influence over the thinking and the destiny of William L. Pierce — and therefore, as Pierce’s colleague Kevin Alfred Strom once remarked, potentially over the future course of Life in the…
for The American Mercury GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL (pictured) had a profound influence over the thinking and the destiny of William L. Pierce — and therefore, as Pierce’s colleague Kevin Alfred Strom once remarked, potentially over the future course of Life in the…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: The John Birch Society
by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury THE JOHN BIRCH Society was the most prominent anti-Communist group in America. Despite its professed philo-Semitism and “anti-racism,” it was a part of the lives of such White radicals as Revilo Pendleton Oliver, Richard Berkeley Cotten…
for The American Mercury THE JOHN BIRCH Society was the most prominent anti-Communist group in America. Despite its professed philo-Semitism and “anti-racism,” it was a part of the lives of such White radicals as Revilo Pendleton Oliver, Richard Berkeley Cotten…