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Foreign Invasion Tsunami in the El Paso Sector
Adding 30 million of these can’t improve anything. by N.D. Guerre
National Vanguard Texas Correspondent EL PASO, Texas… Or, as some would say, Hell Paso. Or El Pisso, as I call it. One fateful night in early March of 1988, I happened to land here like a tumbleweed blown in by the high desert winds.…
National Vanguard Texas Correspondent EL PASO, Texas… Or, as some would say, Hell Paso. Or El Pisso, as I call it. One fateful night in early March of 1988, I happened to land here like a tumbleweed blown in by the high desert winds.…

Uvalde and the Irreversible Fracturing of America
READERS MIGHT APPRECIATE my observations on the recent mass shooting in Texas. The scandalous performance of the police is the standout issue for me. Report a “racist insult” emanating from a crowd of 60,000 football supporters and the police will swing into action, sirens blazing,…

Speedy Recovery
YESTERDAY WE heard about the incredible story of a Negro “yute” who opened fire in its Texas classroom and only failed to kill someone through a combination of jungle idiocy and modern surgical techniques. I thought I was done with this memory hole fodder, but the story keeps getting…

Schrodinger’s Immigration Policy
by Douglas Mercer THERE WERE more than 188,000 attempted crossings from Mexico into the US in June 2021, the highest in a decade. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has said he is responding to the high rate of border crossings. If the Department of Justice and the courts have their way, when it comes to protecting…

Democrats and Republicans Agree: It’s Time to Throw White People In Gulags
Texas “conservative” Republican Randy K. Weber: “Yes, holy Chosen People, I will introduce the bill you wrote that defines White dissent as ‘domestic terrorism’ and will put Whites who write forbidden slogans in prison for 25 years — and I’ll do it right…

Texas “Transgender” Case: Not All Judges Are Politically Correct Cowards
by David Sims NOT ALL judges are evil people. Some of them are, apparently, good and sensible people instead. When a selfish, abusive mother in Texas planned to start the “transgendering” of her son into a “girl” by forcing him to take puberty blockers, Judge Kim Cooks stopped…

Invaders from Ebola-Infected Congo Have Crossed into Texas
INTRODUCTION by David Sims: Africans have been arriving at the US-Mexican border, hoping to enter the United States when Trump’s effort to keep them out falters. Some of the African migrants are from Congo, where a deadly epidemic of Ebola is currently occurring. Patriotic and alternative…

US Jewish Lobby Setback as State “Anti-BDS Law” Struck Down as Unconstitutional
THE JEWISH LOBBY in America has suffered an important setback in their attempts to stifle criticism of Israel with the striking down by a US federal judge of the “anti-boycott, divestment and sanctions” (BDS) law in Texas, on the grounds that it violates freedom of speech under the country’s first amendment…

P + C = 4
by David Sims IN TOTALITARIAN systems of government, there’s always a push to remove wrong-think from all of a nation’s institutions, particularly in education. In Hitler’s Germany, it was called Gleichschaltung. But the Communists practiced it, too, and far more bloodily.…

Texas Officially Withdraws from Refugee Resettlement Program
A microscopically small step in the right direction; what is really needed is race-based citizenship, the goal being an all-White nation. TEXAS HAS officially withdrawn from the nation’s refugee resettlement program, Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) office said Friday. But that won’t stop the federal…