Posts Tagged
Tel Aviv

Pervert Journalist Gushes: Tel Aviv Is the “Gayest City on Earth”
We don’t know what the Boston Globe’s “Christopher Muther”’s racial background is, but his falsetto paean to Jew invert “culture” is so disgusting — and this in a paper accessible to children — that we will only excerpt a few key paragraphs here,…

Clinton and Kasich Pander to Jews
Clinton to hold fundraiser in Tel Aviv; Kasich claims to have won “Jewish vote”; shows off “Biblical knowledge” to Orthodox Jews
THERE’S BEEN a lot of Israel news in the primary process lately, and I’m going to play catchup on it here.
First, this just in. Hillary Clinton…

Jewish Shock Jock Howard Stern: “Roger Waters Needs to Shut Up About the Jews”
RADIO personality Howard Stern has asked if Pink Floyd star Roger Waters wants Jews to “go back to the concentration camp”, after the British musician attacked Jon Bon Jovi for playing in Tel Aviv. (ILLUSTRATION: Ex-Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters) New York disc jockey Stern — who is Jewish…