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By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War
Does Jewish survival strategy demand misdirection, coverups, and colossal lies?
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THE MOTTO of Israel’s spy agency, Mossad, is, according to recently defected Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky: “By way of deception thou shalt do war.” That motto describes…

Holy Holocaust!
by Edgar J. Steele
RECENTLY, a list subscriber pointed out that my name had been added to the short list of “American Extremist Individuals” carried on the ADL’s Web page, alongside the likes of Ernst Zundel, William Pierce, David Irving, Dr. Ed Fields, Willis Carto and Bo Gritz,…

The Informed — and the Informers
American Dissident Voices broadcast of February 7, 2015
by Kevin Alfred Strom
A JEW recently wrote to National Vanguard, complaining that my programs on Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Slave Island, though accurate, were nevertheless,…

The Essence of Judaism
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THE JEWISH PROBLEM is as old as the Jewish race. Over three thousand years ago the Jews were formed as a racial and national community in Egypt. There the former slave Joseph had parlayed his talents for necromancy and grain-speculation into a virtual dictatorship at the side…

Portnoy’s Complaint: A Goyische View
by Dr. William L. Pierce
ATTACK! CERTAINLY does not want to establish a reputation as a pander for the skin-flick trade, but we are going out on a limb just once and recommending that all our readers see the movie Portnoy’s Complaint.
Actually there’s very little skin to be seen in this flick, although…

The Descent of Islam
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured)
first published by Kevin Alfred Strom in National Vanguard magazine, January-February 2003 ISLAM, LIKE CHRISTIANITY, is essentially a Jewish cult for goyim. The Koran, however, is not derived from the Babylonian Talmud. Most of the Koran (Qur’án, “the statements”…
first published by Kevin Alfred Strom in National Vanguard magazine, January-February 2003 ISLAM, LIKE CHRISTIANITY, is essentially a Jewish cult for goyim. The Koran, however, is not derived from the Babylonian Talmud. Most of the Koran (Qur’án, “the statements”…