Posts Tagged

Syrian Civil War


THE SYRIAN ARMY, backed by the wider coalition of government forces, has made sweeping gains in Damascus in recent months, liberating the entire East Ghouta region via operation Damascus Steel, and recovering chunks of territory in south Damascus, where the Daesh* terror organization maintains…
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The Jewish-controlled media are playing the atrocity card for all it is worth — but, as usual, it’s worth close to zero. Why all the outrage over this low-budget, small-scale likely false flag, when they promote no outrage at all over America’s bombing of over 500,000 innocents
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Red Ice Editor’s Note: 2016 will be remembered as the year (((globalism))) began to wane. ALEPPO STREETS have erupted in celebrations with people waving flags and shooting in the air as reports said the Syrian Army has taken control of the last militant-held areas in the eastern part of the city,…
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EssaysHadding Scott

by Hadding Scott THE ELECTION of Donald Trump as President of the United States represents a temporary reprieve for the United States of America as a majority-White country. It could become much more than that, but it is not yet evident that it will. While Trump represents a move in the right direction,…
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The goal of U.S. policy in Syria doesn’t get any more clear; the actual mission being supported by the United States in Syria is regime change, not fighting ISIS. REPORTS THIS WEEK indicated that Islamic State militants were decimated by recent Russian airstrikes, and have lost “most” of their ammunition,…
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“You’re not fighting Syria any more, you’re fighting Syria, Russia and Iran.” U.S. REPUBLICAN presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Tuesday that Democrat Hillary Clinton’s plan for Syria would “lead to World War Three,” because of the potential for conflict with military forces from nuclear-armed…
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Russia has denounced US projection of possible attacks on Russian cities by terrorists fighting in Syria, saying the statement amounts to an invitation to terrorism.  RUSSIAN Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov (pictured) was outraged on Thursday after US State Department spokesman…
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RUSSIA HAS WARNED citizens that a nuclear war with the West could be imminent — sparked by clashes in the Middle East. Zvezda, a nationwide TV service run by the country’s Ministry of Defence, said last week, ‘Schizophrenics from America are sharpening nuclear weapons for Moscow.’ Officials…
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With complicit help from the US and Turkey A COUPLE YEARS ago I wrote an article on the growing global problem of human trafficking and the sex slavery trade. Another related ongoing shameful practice that’s also increasing globally is the harvesting of human organs from war victims and selling…
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A NEWLY-RELEASED email, forwarded by Hilary Clinton, published by Wikileaks has confirmed that the Obama Administration helped ignite the civil war in Syria as “the best way to help Israel.” (ILLUSTRATION: Hillary Clinton speaks to AIPAC) The document was one of many declassified by the…
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