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by Michael Walsh IF THE CONTROLLED media are to be believed, most people are quite laid back about — and even welcome — the benefit-bandit invasion. According to the illusionists, the 95 per cent. of people opposed to their being culturally and racially displaced are only 1 per cent. —…
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Don’t do this by Hadding Scott JASSKIRAT SAINI, a student at the Garden City Campus of Nassau Community College on Long Island, has been arrested for drawing offensive graffiti on NCC’s campus beginning with three swastikas in a bathroom on 15 October. He is supposed to have drawn 110 politically…
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AN AUSTRIAN [based on his behavior, likely a Jew — Ed.] who claimed attackers carved swastikas on to his chest and forehead is now being investigated for carrying out the carvings on himself as part of a bizarre revenge plot on his neighbour. A relation of his neighbour even spent three months…
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Classic EssaysVideo

by Matt Koehl ONCE AGAIN, another Yuletide is here. Once again, we celebrate an occasion which has been sacred and joyous in the history of our race for 10,000 years. Throughout the race-life of our Northern European ancestors, the coming of the shortest days of the year always called for a renewing festival.…
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by James Harting THE SWASTIKA (or Aryan Cross) is widely recognized as the symbol of National Socialism. It has been used by the NS movement since its inception in Germany nearly 100 years ago. For that reason, some people mistakenly believe that it is only a German insignia. But in fact, the Swastika…
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This one (as in many such incidents) was posted by a Jewish student. A SWASTIKA was posted on the bulletin board of a Jewish fraternity in a George Washington University dorm on Monday, leading upset students to immediately report it to police. (ILLUSTRATION: George Washington University) The symbol…
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