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Race Suicide
by Dr. William L. Pierce THE SALIENT FEATURE of the 20th century was the collective suicide of the White race. In 1900 we ruled the world. We ruled politically, militarily, culturally, economically, scientifically, and in every other way. No other race even came close. We ruled India and Africa directly,…

Spalding Gray’s Suicide
Viewed from the perspective of The Dispossessed Majority by John I. Johnson BIPOLAR SELF-ABSORBED dyslexic high-IQ depressed WASP actor Spalding Gray (pictured; 1941-2004) committed suicide in the freezing cold of January 2004 by jumping into the East River from the Staten Island Ferry. The identity…

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night: When Faustian Man Has No Way Out
Sky King by R. Houck Around 9 PM Pacific Time on August 10th, a 29-year-old man named Richard Russell, stole a Q400 airplane from Seattle Tacoma International Airport and went for a joyride into the abyss. Two F-15 fighter planes were scrambled to follow Rich, who eventually crashed into a wooded area…

Diversity is Our Strength: Mexifornia Edition Part II
In our previous news-clipping on the state of California we brought attention to an outbreak of hepatitis A in the Sunny State caused by a third-world phenomenon of homeless people defecating in the streets there. The highlight of this post was an audit’s finding that parts of today’s …

Science and the Suicide-Cult: The Irrationalism of Richard Dawkins
by Tobias Langdon THE BASIS OF SCIENCE is the same as the basis of life: pattern-recognition. Even plants recognize patterns in the weather and the attacks of insects. The difference between scientists and trees, or scientists and sharks, is that scientists use reason and method, not instinct and…

Our Proximate Future
by Revilo P. Oliver THE SPRING issue of Mankind Quarterly contains a concise (pp. 261-273), lucid, and coldly objective article on Evolution and World Population by William P. Stevens of the Population Research Center. The author examines the simple and indisputable facts of biological evolution,…

More White Deaths Than Births in One Third of US States
Studies now show that many White deaths are directly attributable to globalist economic policies. What this article from Britain’s Daily Mail does not tell us is that White births are already a minority in the United States and have been so for several years.
MORE WHITE PEOPLE are dying than…

Suicidal Blunder
by Revilo P. Oliver EVERY FEW DAYS the newspapers report another massacre in India or Ceylon, reminding us that such massacres have occurred continually ever since the British made India independent. The news doubtless delights the “Liberal intellectuals” who prated about the evils…

Who Is Behind Children’s “Suicide Clubs” on Russian Social Media?
More than 130 documented deaths in one year; how many more go unheralded — who is funding these groups that are killing and demoralizing White children — and why is Russia in particular being targeted?
RUSSIA’S ombudsman for children’s rights and the head of the Investigative…

Race Suicide
by Dr. William L. Pierce WITH THE END of the year at hand this seems like a good time to sum things up. Before we sum up the past year, though, let’s look at the past century. The salient feature of the 20th century was the collective suicide of the White race. In 1900 we ruled the world. We ruled politically,…