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It’s Official: California to Discourage Gifted Students
CALIFORNIA’S Department of Education is working on a new framework for K-12 mathematics that discourages gifted students from enrolling in accelerated classes that study advanced concepts like calculus. The draft of the framework is hundreds of pages long and covers a wide range of topics.…

Georgetown Law School: Even Anti-Racists Are Racist
Professor forced out after doing nothing more than privately mentioning how it upsets her that, every year, most Black students are near the bottom of her classes — and now a second professor is sanctioned because he was part of the discussion and did not condemn the other’s words with “sufficient…

UK: Students Who Avoid Eye Contact “Guilty of Racism”?
What Dr. Williams fails to note: This insane attempt at mind control is a direct result of two things; 1) having a multiracial society in the first place, and 2) allowing Jews to control and set the tone in our institutions. THE UNIVERSITY’S Equality and Diversity Unit has advised students that…

University of Minnesota: Police Called on White Students Who Said “Tranny” on Campus Radio Station
Station manager blatantly lied, stating it was “against FCC rules” to use the word on the air. IN THE MINDS of administrators at the University of Minnesota-Morris, saying “tranny” is an arrestable offense. A manager at the college called the police on two students and had…

The Wrecking of Our Schools
by Dr. William L. Pierce ABOUT A MONTH ago the Clintonistas celebrated the 40th anniversary of one of the proudest moments in the history of America’s march toward the New World Order, a moment whose memory makes every Clintonista misty-eyed and brings a lump to his throat. That was the moment…

Ziad Ahmed Wrote #BlackLivesMatter 100 times on Stanford Application…Got In!
Introductory Note: What the conservative writer here fails to see is that non-White invaders do not sincerely espouse or “believe in” progressivism or leftism: They merely do what is best for their racial group, which in this case is to weaken and dispossess Whites. A MUSLIM high school…

Not Satire: University Holding “Nap-Ins” So Students Can “Dream Of Diversity”
A NEW INTERACTIVE art installation is opening the door for students to share their future dreams of diversity through “Nap-Ins” in Morris Library.
Student coordinator Marissa Amposta is facilitating four sleep sessions in March where students will be given the opportunity to nap for two hours…

Non-White Students At University Of Michigan Demand Segregation
STUDENT ACTIVISTS at the University of Michigan are insisting on their own “permanent designated space on central campus for Black students and students of color to organize and do social justice work,” The College Fix reports. This latest demand is just the beginning for “Students4Justice,” who…

Youthfulness, Liberalism, and the Gaining of Wisdom
With today’s college students’ obsession with “safe spaces,” acts of “micro-aggression,” and an intolerance for opposing viewpoints, is America losing its grip on reality? by David Sims WHEN YOU LOOK at the younger generation, you see people who have yet to learn what your longer lifetime has enabled…

Most College Students Think America Invented Slavery, Professor Finds
Jewish media and academic brainwashing has totally misled our young students. FOR 11 years, Professor Duke Pesta gave quizzes to his students at the beginning of the school year to test their knowledge on basic facts about American history and Western culture. The most surprising result from his…