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Sports as an Anti-White Weapon: Boxing
Professionally-staged promotional poster for the bout: The Congoid on the left is billed as the “British” contender. Contrary to the implications of the image (calm, civilized “British” Negro versus rage-filled, savage White man), the White contender, Robert Helenius,…

English Soccer and What Others Cannot See
by Douglas Mercer WHEN, BACK IN 1968, Enoch Powell said that in the not-too-distant future the Blacks in England would have the whip hand, the most typical response (other than hysterical meltdowns) was that he was being “alarmist.” Turns out he may have understated the case. There won’t…

Around the Next Bend
Jew-owned NBC used a photo filter to make Thomas look more feminine. An unretouched photo, taken at almost the same moment, is on the right. by Douglas Mercer NATIONAL SOCIALISTS CATEGORIZED male homosexuals as “asocials” or “enemies of the community” and considered them…

1973: Iconic “Feminist” Sports Win Was Faked
Bobby Riggs and Billie Jean King by David Sims ON 20 September 1973, a female tennis star in her prime, Billie Jean King (age 29), matched with an elderly former male tennis champion, Bobby Riggs (age 55), and she beat him in what is now called “the battle of the sexes” tennis match. Setting…

England Soccer Purposely Staged a “Win for Diversity” — and Failed; Norwegian Man’s Record-Setting Run
by David Sims ABOVE you can see a video showing the penalty shootout by which Italy’s all-White team defeated England’s “diverse” team in the Euro 2020 soccer match, which had been tied 1 to 1 going in. Italy scored three kicks, while England scored only two — both of…

Gregg Popovich and “Woke” Sports
A US National Basketball Team member and head coach Gregg Popovich share a moment of reflection as they lose to France. Popovich is the one on the right. by David Sims INTRODUCTION by Rosemary Pennington: Gregg Popovich, a leftist White man who is a prominent US professional basketball coach and executive…

Euro Cup Win for “Racist” Italians, Occupied Britain Humiliated
The Italian winners by David Sims THE circumstances by which Italy defeated England for the soccer Euro Cup might be amusing to those of us who enjoy watching the Politically Correct make hypocritical excuses when their ideas fail. First, you have to know that Italy fielded an all-White team, while…

Kenny Bayless: Anti-White Cheating in Boxing
FIRST AND FOREMOST: congratulations to Josh Taylor on becoming undisputed world light welterweight boxing champion last weekend. He now joins the likes of fellow Scot Ken Buchanan, Joe Calzaghe, Jimmy Wilde and Tom Cribb on the list of the all-time great British pugilists and is only the sixth man…

In the Slums of Academe
by Revilo P. Oliver ACCORDING TO a despatch from the United Press, published in the Portland Oregonian on 16 April and doubtless other newspapers, a jury in Atlanta awarded $2,500,000 to a young woman, Jan Kemp, formerly an instructress in the University of Georgia, who was fired from her untenured…

NFL Death Watch: Massive Financial Hit
An essay in pictures, illustrating a recent news article on the accelerating economic decline of Liberia Ball here in the United Snakes. AFTER A YEAR of enormous attendance drops and television ratings losses, the NFL salary cap is set to take a historic hit of nearly $16 million. The league that began…