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Leonidas the Spartan
THERE ARE heroes, and there are super-heroes, just as there are warriors, and super-warriors. These elite of the elite hold a place in history in the Hall of the Immortals, bridging the gap between mortal man and superman, between mortal man and the Gods. Some seem to change the course of history almost…

The Spirit of Thermopylae
by David J. Stennett
IN 480 BC, an estimated horde of 240,000-2,000,000 soldiers under the command of King Xerxes of Persia swarmed forth like an unstoppable mist of locusts toward the gates of Europe. The great Persian race had already sacked the Jew, the Phoenician, the Egyptian, the Arab, and the…

Human Dignity: A Racial Ethic
A Cosmotheist lecture never before transcribed
by Dr. William L. Pierce
I WANT TO talk to you some more this evening about ethics and about behavior, in particular about the way in which we should behave. Last week we saw a couple of interesting films on man’s origins and on animal behavior, and let me remind…