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Review: The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews, part 2
The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews: Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus by Robert Aleksander Maryks; Brill, 2010; free download reviewed by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
read part 1 Being children of this world, pompous, cunning, fake, self-seeking, etc.,…
read part 1 Being children of this world, pompous, cunning, fake, self-seeking, etc.,…

Review: The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews, part 1
The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews: Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus by Robert Aleksander Maryks; Brill, 2010; free download reviewed by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
read part 2 Those from the circumcision subverted the entire house of the Society. As sons…
read part 2 Those from the circumcision subverted the entire house of the Society. As sons…

Writer and Activist Isabel Peralta Banned from Germany for Life
GERMANY IS ALREADY KNOWN for its laws banning free political debate and historical research – most notoriously for the recent decision to imprison 94-year-old Ursula Haverbeck. It has become almost routine for Germany to deny basic human rights to its own citizens, while welcoming alien immigrants…

Insurrection, Resurrection
Tejero in the Cortes, 1981. THIS YEAR MARKED the 41st anniversary of a real attempted “insurrection against democracy” — or, more accurately, attempted resurrection of a nation: On 23 February 1981, Lt. Col. Antonio Tejero of Spain’s Guardia Civil made a last stand against the…

Ian Fleming’s Real Goldeneye: The Cavalry of St. George
Peter Rushton reports on Churchill’s top secret Spanish bribery plot Juan March, international gangster and British agent in Nationalist Spain MANY READERS will remember Goldeneye as the title of a 1995 James Bond film – the plot involves an international crime syndicate stealing a secret Soviet…

Spanish Nationalist History in the Spotlight
Isabel Medina Peralta SPANISH racial nationalism — past and present — has received ‘viral’ attention online in recent weeks following a controversial speech by young Falangist activist Isabel Medina Peralta. This speech, widely shared online and reported by the mainstream media, was part of a rally…

Barcelona Gets Its Wish
BARCELONA likes to think of itself as The World’s Wokest City. And it has some claim to it. After all a former Mayor had herself filmed urinating in public. You can’t get woker than that. The city has experienced a staggering increase in tourism levels over the last decade or so. To the extent…

Jews are Certifying Latinos as Jewish to Gain Spanish Citizenship
YEARS AGO I warned of the folly of the Spanish law that grants citizenship to those “descended” from the Jews expelled by Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492. Particularly sinister was the fact that Jews would be able to certify who was “Jewish” for the purpose of gaining this citizenship. This was something…

Spain: Migrants are the New Zombies
LAST NIGHT, 800 Africans jumped the fence in Ceuta, a Spanish exclave in the north of Africa. 600 of them made it through and then rampaged through the city, flinging urine, faeces and quicklime at the police. This is jungle-grade savagery running raw through the streets of one of our cities. Of course…

Spain’s Undocumented Roads
THE LAST TIME I talked about Spain, they had just received a shipment of identical looking and behaving diversity that appeared to be extremely eager to embrace local customs and traditions and start “pumping” money into the economy, the most important thing any completely interchangeable…