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The Race that Has Earned Glory
Across the nations, no matter how multiracial they might be, and across artificial lines drawn on maps, it is one race of man that has led the way to the stars. by David Sims IT IS WELL TO be proud of one’s species, but that is the sort of over-generalizing that Star Trekish fiction does. We never see…

The Choice: Interstellar Pioneers — or Gibbering Apes
by David Sims “WILL interstellar flight ever be possible?” Sooner or later it would be. Many of mankind’s limitations are self-imposed, the result of power being in the hands of people who prioritize goals incorrectly. Unfortunately, the Universe’s natural laws, particularly…

Will We Survive the Great Filter?
by David Sims THERE’S SOME ARGUMENT about whether there is a Great Filter for the evolution of Life that lies in the future. We can recognize some achievements of the Life of Earth that occurred in the past: • The formation of replicating molecules
• The formation of single-celled organisms via…
• The formation of single-celled organisms via…

Space Launch Facts versus Afromania
by David Sims NO AFRICAN country has ever launched anything into orbit around Earth. The only space launches from African soil were carried out by Italy (on land leased from the government of Kenya) and by Spain (on land leased from the government of Algeria), all of which occurred between 1960 and 1985.…

Combining the Copernican and Anthropic Principles
by David Sims THE Copernican principle, generalized, is that the place we occupy in our universe is nothing special. We are not, for example, at the center of the universe. We are, instead, in the boonies of a typical spiral galaxy at the edge of the Virgo galaxy cluster near the fringe of a supercluster…

Nobel Prize Winner Believes We Could Discover Alien Life Within 30 Years
Professor of Physics at the Cavendish Laboratory and Geneva University Didier Queloz. HUMANITY WILL make contact with alien life far sooner than you might think, according to one prominent scientist. Nobel Prize winner professor Didier Queloz says he’s convinced we’re not alone in the universe…

What Is Driving the Decline of Northrop Grumman?
Major aerospace contractor, once an exemplar of European-American competence and innovation, now mired in easily avoidable yet disastrous mistakes. by David Sims I WOULD STILL like to see a flotilla of satellites like TESS (the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, a space telescope designed…

TESS, NASA’S Exoplanet Hunter, Isn’t Optimized for Finding Habitable Planets
by David Sims ACCORDING TO
NASA’s newest planet-hunting powerhouse, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), leaped into orbit Wednesday evening (April 18) atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket…. The satellite may be small, but it packs a major science punch. TESS is following…

Psychological Factors in Establishing a Presence on Mars
David Sims, in his writings published on this site, has explored the psychological factors in space travel — in his case, intergalactic travel — and proposed possible solutions. It is also extremely important that we not bring racial “diversity” and all its conflicts and…

The Ordained Quests of the Godlike Race
by David Sims NONE OF EARTH’S civilizations came from Africa. The ancient Egyptian civilization was in Africa, but the people of that country were an offshoot of Mediterranean Whites, with some Semites who arrived later. For the 3,000 years of its glory, Egypt was run by these Whites. In 760 BC,…