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A Thousand Miles of White Men
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 18 February, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom I USED TO LIVE in Rochester, Minnesota in the 1990s. Prior to that, I spent a lot of time in Minnesota as a child…
Minnesota: Importing Revolution
by Anglo Norman MINNESOTA USED to be the White man’s land, the Great White North. Peopled heavily by Swedes, Norwegians, and Germans, it was an Indo-European heartland in the New World. As recently as just a few decades ago, one could travel across nearly the entire state and never see a non-European.…
Minnesota: Somali Rampage at Amusement Park
ON SATURDAY September 22, 2018 at the ValleyFair amusement park in Shakopee, Minnesota, police and emergency responders had to evacuate all guests after a mob of Somali teenagers and men rushed through security and caused several violent fights to break out inside the park, a Jewish alt-lite reporter,…
Your Tax Dollars at Work: Teaching Somalis Basketball
WHETHER YOU’RE a do-gooder in a cucktian church, a globalist scumbag dreaming of profits or a nation-wrecking Jew parasite, we can all agree that White countries need a lot more malformed 60 I.Q. genetic aliens from sh**hole countries. Once here, “dem programs” will convert a…
Minnesota Town Annexed by Somalia, Legacy Residents Unhappy
WE NEED A LOT MORE of the worst available Africans. How about some Somalis? If we move the 60 I.Q. terrorists and pirates into the Whitest remaining areas they’re definitely going to overcome their staggering genetic limitations and start behaving like good little consumerist bar codes in our…
Minneapolis: Somalis Rampage Through White Neighborhood Threatening Kidnap and Rape
This story has received zero national coverage in the Jewish-controlled media. The resident’s desire (quoted in the video below) to “nip this in the bud” can only be achieved in one way: by implementing the National Alliance policy of a nation by, of, and for White people only. A…
Germany: Somali Rapist to Receive “Therapy and Speech Training”
And young girls attacked in Dresden by Carolyn Yeager IN Herford, in North Rhine-Westfalia, an 88-year-old woman was raped by a 20-year-old “refugee” from Somalia. The juvenile court considered the man to be “traumatized by the journey (migration), less gifted with delayed maturity, and completely…