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Group Threat, Racial Threat
by Karl Gunther WHEN SOMEONE says that something is “academic” they mean it is moot — it is irrelevant, it no longer matters. That’s because these heads-in-the-clouds ivory-tower types come up with theories that are either wildly divergent from reality, or that show an…

THE INTERNET allows types of people to find one another and gather wherever they’re from. Always before, people have assorted by families and clans they are born into, by ethnic groups and race. These groups have always been bound by certain limits of geography. The information age has revealed there…

Good News From Academia?
by Revilo P. Oliver COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES were established to preserve and perpetuate the culture, and hence the civilization, that is called European, from the geographical designation of the continent on which it arose as a revival of the culture of Greece and Rome, or Western, to include its…

Of Quacks and Quackery, part 3
by Revilo P. Oliver IN CERTAIN circumstances (which it should be the task of an honest sociology to catalogue and define), superstition is contagious, perhaps by a psychosomatic communication analogous to the contagion of hysteria, of which a clear instance in a British girls’ school was studied…

Of Quacks and Quackery, part 1
A gallery of ancient and modern hoaxers by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured) FOR MANY YEARS, each issue of the Scientific American has been enlivened by a series of mathematical and logical puzzles presented, and often devised, by Dr. Martin Gardner. In June 1974, however, the ingenious mathematician tried…

Freud’s Ethics
by Revilo P. Oliver
ONE OF THE most important books of our time is the singularly courageous work of Richard LaPiere, The Freudian Ethic: An Analysis of the Subversion of American Character (Duell, Sloan & Pearce, New York; 301 pages, $5.00). The author, who is Professor of Sociology in Stanford…

Intelligent, Well-Educated Whites Are Just as Racially-Conscious as Their Less-Educated Peers
EDITOR’S NOTE: In Jewish-dominated academia, for any current sociological study to be viewed as credible, at least one weaponized, leftist term must be utilized to subtly disparage Whites and elicit hostility towards them. In this study, the term “privilege” is used to imply…

The Thermodynamics of High Culture
by Instaurator “Man’s purpose on earth …is to create order.” — Maxim Gorky THERMODYNAMICS, as the name implies, originated as a systematic study of the processes used to convert heat into a more useful form of energy. An empirical science that has now been thoroughly…