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The God Archetype: What Is Required
by Kenneth Anderson ACCORDING TO Anthony Stevens the psychobiological functions required of religion are: A mythological explanation of how we began and how we relate to the cosmos;Sanctification of the ethical code, to insure group cohesion;Providing rituals and bonding ceremonies to rejuvenate…

Jews are Racial Aliens, Say Researchers
Jews are a mixed race, but all Jews, Ashkenazi or Sephardic, have very significant commonalities with each other and with other Middle Eastern Semites such as Arabs. by Hadding Scott ONE OF THE RESEARCHERS involved in this study of genetic similarity between Jews and Arabs, Dr. Mark Jobling, denies…

E.O. Wilson and Human Nature
by Robert Throckmorton ANYONE WHO HAS SEEN an anthill should conclude that there is such a thing as ant nature and that it is different from human nature. But however flexibly we can arrange human societies, we just cannot live like ants. It is easy to forget this. When the cultural anthropologists of…

The Ethnic Phenomenon in Psychology
by John Law
A book published back in 1981, The Ethnic Phenomenon, by Pierre van den Berghe, offers one of the earliest accounts of ethnocentrism from a sociobiological perspective. The essential finding of sociobiology on the subject of “ethnocentrism” is that all humans…

Vilfredo Pareto: The Karl Marx of Fascism
by James Alexander ITALIAN CONTRIBUTIONS to political and social thought are singularly impressive and, in fact, few nations are as favored with a tradition as long and as rich. One need only mention names such as Dante, Machiavelli, and Vico to appreciate the importance of Italy in this respect. In…

Edward O. Wilson: Sociobiological Revolution and Jewish Reaction
ONE OF THE GREATEST scientific revolutionaries of our age, and a victim of the Jewish inquisition, is Edward O. Wilson (pictured), Curator of Entomology at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology and the author of The Insect Society, which Science magazine has called a “magisterial survey…

Sociobiology: The Truth at Last
by Dr. William L. Pierce THE AUGUST 1 issue of Time magazine carried a six-page cover story on sociobiology, which is just a fancy name for the biological study of groups of interacting organisms — including human societies. (ILLUSTRATION: Charles Darwin demolished one Jewish myth, and his successors…