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Classic Essays

Nationalism is for the nation; socialism is for the people. Be a National Socialist. by William Joyce THE MYSTERY is that Nationalism and Socialism should have remained separate for so long. That mystery is solved only when we realize that our ”other values less glorious” have embraced useless butchery,…
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Classic EssaysHadding Scott

Introduction by Hadding Scott: This article was published in the Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review of 10 December 1938. I consider it a relatively unbiased look at the National-Socialist agenda of reducing conflict between workers and employers. Summary 1. National-Socialist Germany did not…
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by Blake Hood Let us not abandon the life line of all movements simply because the pursuit of money is the joy of Judah. Sometimes war is action other than guns or swords…Dirty hands and a pure heart are not mutually exclusive. Victory goes to the cunning first, then to the brave. — David Lane YOUNG…
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EssaysHadding ScottVideo

THIS CHAPTER will be challenging for readers in the United States, who generally have a deeply ingrained aversion to the word socialism, but it should be all the more rewarding for those who can think beyond that. National-Socialism in practice was not socialism in the same sense as Marxism-Leninism:…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE COMMUNISTS push a form of Marxism, which is socialism based on the idea that the fundamental division of mankind is socio-economic class. The National Socialists promote a different form of socialism, which is based on the idea that the fundamental division of mankind is race. A metaphor:…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE POLICE don’t have it in for Blacks because of their race. They pursue Blacks, and are especially wary of Blacks, because of their experience with Blacks. Educate yourself. The races are not alike, neither in appearance, nor in mind, nor in behavior. The “race gaps”…
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Classic Essays

London was a Protean writer who mixed racialism with socialism “THERE NEVER was a good biography of a good novelist,” F. Scott Fitzgerald once observed. “He is too many people, if he’s any good.” This dictum holds particularly true in the case of Jack London (pictured, 1876–1916). For biographers and…
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by Jack London (pictured) IT IS QUITE FAIR to say that I became a Socialist in a fashion somewhat similar to the way in which the Teutonic pagans became Christians — it was hammered into me. Not only was I not looking for Socialism at the time of my conversion, but I was fighting it. I was very young and callow,…
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Classic Essays

They well knew that America, riddled with Blacks and Jews, and with a ruling class that had lost faith in itself, was doomed to self-destruction anyway. SO MANY BOOKS are published each year by major U.S. publishers that one or two, even though they have committed the cardinal sin of containing a paragraph…
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David SimsEssays

And why the economic propaganda of both Marxists and free-enterprisers should not be believed by David Sims AYN RAND (pictured) wrote that the purpose of government is to protect the rights of individuals by banning the initiation of force and thus “making all relations between men peaceful,…
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