Posts Tagged

Social Decay


by Blair Cottrell DID YOU know that death is actually quite profitable? Not just death but sickness and decay — a slowly progressing death in the spirit of the people — is quite possibly the most profitable thing in this world. And all you have to do to draw such enormous profits from the death…
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Andrew HamiltonEssays

by Andrew Hamilton A MYTH of our time is that the Western family still exists. We assume it does despite abundant evidence to the contrary. This can be accounted for by the psychological persistence of outdated experience, and mass media that subconsciously insinuate false perceptions. (ILLUSTRATION:…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

Dr. Pierce explains the real reason behind the massive increase in Black crime — and it’s not genetic.
by Dr. William Pierce (pictured) DURING THE ongoing impeachment and trial of Bill Clinton one of the things we hear most often from the media is that this is a historic event. If Clinton…
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Sometimes the least educated have better sense and taste than the miseducated. CLEANERS AT A museum in Italy threw away one of the exhibits thinking it was mess left over from a party on Friday night. (ILLUSTRATION: This is what the installation used to look like…) The empty champagne bottles,…
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by Alex Fontana “Integration is the time between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out” — Saul Alinsky As is the Microcosm, so is the Macrocosm THE FEMINIST ‘social justice’ campaign first launched on Twitter against “manspreading” has made the…
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by Max Musson WE LIVE IN a world in which many people have a dark sense of foreboding. Particularly in Western European countries where we have experienced better times within living memory, there is a feeling that many facets of our lives are deteriorating and have been relentlessly deteriorating…
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