Posts Tagged
Social Credit

A Primer of Social Credit
There are a few religiously-tinged paragraphs which we here at National Vanguard would have written differently, but this truly excellent introduction to the radical idea that we ought to own and benefit from our own credit and productivity is well worth reading.
by Louis Even
translated from the…
translated from the…

How They Steal Our Wealth, part 3
American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 30, 2018
by Kevin Alfred Strom
TODAY WE CONCLUDE our story of Salvation Island with “How They Steal Our Wealth, part 3” (here are part 1 and part 2).
The shipwrecked men of the island…

How They Steal Our Wealth, part 2
The parable of Salvation Island continues.
American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 23, 2018
by Kevin Alfred Strom
TODAY WE CONTINUE with our parable “How They Steal Our Wealth, part 2,” (here’s part 1) which…

How They Steal Our Wealth, part 1
Our enemies have created a fraudulent system that pays them — without working — an ever-increasing cut of the wealth produced by honest men. One of our goals is to expose and then put a stop to this crime.
American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 16, 2018…

If We Don’t Change the Way Money Is Created and Distributed, We Change Nothing
The only real solution is to create and distribute money at the base of the pyramid rather than to those in the top of the pyramid.
by Charles Hugh Smith
EDITOR’S NOTE: Mr. Smith’s conclusion, which is essentially the same as that of C.H. Douglas in his Social Credit, is correct, with one exception:…

Money, Money, Money
American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 10, 2014
by Kevin Alfred Strom
MONEY IS THE MEANS by which we are enslaved. But not one man in 1,000 knows how it is done. Today I am going to tell you.
There are many half-truths being vended…

The Warrior and the Poet: J.E.B. Stuart and Ezra Pound
For the first time in written form, we present a profoundly inspirational speech by Jack Pershing, delivered 30 years ago this month at the General Convention of the National Alliance. (By clicking on the embedded player you can listen to the original recording.) This is one of my very favorite essays…