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Underwriting Jewish Revolution
by Douglas Mercer THE OBSEQUIOUS GROVELING of capital before the Congoids continues apace as one of the world’s foremost exponents of parasitic leeching gives an unexampled “clinic” on thoroughgoing apologies and, resolving to do better, ponies up in order to better buck up the Black…
Human Slavery: Myths and Reality
The Bitter Draft of Slavery by Ernest Normand (1885, Cartwright Hall Gallery) shows a White woman sold into slavery to Semites by a Black slave dealer. by David Sims WE KEEP TRYING to tell everybody that people from all races have been slaves, and people from all races have owned slaves. There’s…
Thoreau and Negroes in the Woods
Thoreau by Douglas Mercer IT’S SAFE TO SAY that Henry David Thoreau was among the worst of our kind, the lowest that the White race has on offer. He was a Negro-worshipper and a hyper-individualist. What could go wrong? The cantankerous fool is best known for his theory of “civil disobedience”…
Life Styles: Native and Imposed
Aztec sacrificial altar, Mexico by Kevin Beary FOR DECADES now, African-American leaders have been calling for a formal United States apology for the American role in the slave trade, with some even demanding reparations. Indian tribes proclaim their tax-exempt status as something they are owed…
Slavery Nearly Universal Among ‘Native American’ Indian Tribes Prior to White Settlement
ACCORDING TO Almon Lauber’s booklet, Indian Slavery In Colonial Times Within The Present Limits Of The United States, published by the Faculty of Political Science at Columbia University in 1913, slavery and the slave trade were nearly universally practiced among the ‘Native’ Indians prior to…
Dutch Jews and the White Slave Trade
IN THE British West Indies much of the early capital to finance White slavery came from Sephardic Jews from Holland. They provided credit, machinery and shipping facilities. In the 1630s Dutch Jews had been deeply involved in the enslavement of the Irish, financing their transport to slave plantations…
Reparations for Slavery
HAS THERE ever been anything more preposterous than American Blacks’ demands for slavery reparations? Well there is actually: Their protests at Whites expropriating their “culture”. Future historians will scratch their heads, baffled that an advanced people gave serious consideration to the…
White Nationalism, White Supremacy, and White Superiority
by David Sims THERE ARE three distinct viewpoints that often are confused with each other: White supremacy, White superiority, and White nationalism. White supremacy includes White superiority, but it goes a step further. In addition to asserting that Whites are superior to other races, a White…
Dinesh D’Souza Teaches White Americans to Despise their own Great Men
by Hadding Scott DINESH D’Souza makes unsubstantiated categorical assertions and invalid arguments in support of reckless false conclusions. When somebody produces a counterexample to one of his categorical assertions, his typical reaction is to minimize its importance and to continue…
Jew Slaving
by Tanstaafl You will drink the milk of nations and be nursed at royal breasts. – Isaiah 60:16 WHAT FOLLOWS here is a post-length response to an insightful comment from High Arka concerning Janissaries, the kidnapped White slave-soldiers of the jihadi/Jewhadi joint venture commonly known as the Ottoman…