Posts Tagged

Sexual perversion


by Varg Vikernes (text of spoken words in this video follows) IF YOU GOOGLE “the history of pornography,” you will find references to the statues of Venus and petroglyphs as being the “first pornography.” However, this is not “pornography.” This is a crude…
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Classic EssaysNews

This news story from 2005 needs to be kept alive; certain parties very much want to bury it. by David Sims and Jeff Hook THE Sydney Morning Herald is reporting that notorious child pornographer Arie Scher has been flagged as the replacement for Amir Laty, the former Israeli consul to Australia who was…
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FOX NEWS HOST and legal analyst Jeanine Pirro dropped a bombshell this morning when she made reference to Bill Clinton’s friendship with Jewish billionaire and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Pirro was on Fox and Friends to discuss Clinton’s controversial meeting with Attorney General…
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The following article contains disturbing passages that should not be read by children or sensitive persons. MY LAST ARTICLE about bestiality may have disturbed your stomach, and this article may disturb your heart. Again, I believe awareness is essential to our cause. Truth is our ultimate goal.…
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Dr. Norman Spack: profiting from gender confusion, endangering children’s health. “Spack injects children with hormone-blocking drugs to prevent them from developing secondary sexual characteristics, like breasts or facial hair. The idea is to ‘give them a few more years to make up their…
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Children or other sensitive people should not read this disturbing report. Consider this report in the light of the Jewish strategy of promoting all kinds of sexual activities — so long as those activities do not lead to the birth of White children.
DR. NORMAN Spack (pictured) is head of the Gender…
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EssaysGuest opinionNews

NOTE by Chris Rossetti: Just as Jews tend to remake the societies they invade into mirrors of the multiracial, multicultural cesspools in which they evolved, they also instinctively attempt to mold their host societies to match the high levels of sex perversion naturally present among Jews. Jews…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromOpinionRadio

American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 30, 2016 by Kevin Alfred Strom HE’S JUST LIKE Josef Mengele, but real. Mengele was a World War 2 German medical doctor who was alleged by Jews to have been a “Nazi” monster…
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And not a White supremacist in sight… EDITOR’S NOTE: Pushing sex perversion (including, judging by the magazine’s cover image, dangerous auto-erotic asphyxiation) has apparently become official US ideology under Down Low Obama. It gets people killed. It must be difficult…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

Did Alfred Kinsey fake his sex research? by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured, with his wife Grace Needham Oliver, in 1966) WHEN Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey, employed by the Rockefeller Foundation, published the first of his two books (1) in 1948, I paid no attention to it, assuming that it was just another bundle of…
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