Posts Tagged
Sexual perversion

American Library Association Teaches How to Sneak “Drag Queen” Events Past Parents
The drag queen who was allowed to have children lie on top of him at Multnomah County Library, Portland, Oregon, October 6, 2018. Healthy Whites need our own institutions, free from Jewish influence and subversion, and led by incorruptible race-thinkers. The National Alliance’s William Luther…

New York City: Judge Orders Orthodox Jew to Stop Holding Paid “Sex Parties” in His Apartment
Avraham Adler He’s been ordered to stop not because of his disgusting degradation of the sacred and corruption of others, but only because his lease forbids commercial businesses. AN ORTHODOX JEW has been openly holding so-called “sex parties” in his East Village apartment —…

Parasite-Induced Sickness
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 5 October, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2019-1005 – Parasite-Induced Sickness.mp3 IT IS A biological fact that parasitic organisms often cause profound sickness and sometimes even the death of their…

Europe: Sodomite “Chemsex” Surge
LOVE IS LOVE. Pouring wet cement into your anus or removing your testicles for a sexual thrill you’re suddenly no longer capable of experiencing is exactly the same as marriage and a family. Indeed, it’s probably better, because we don’t want Whites reproducing. Pursue hedonism…

Simone de Beauvoir, Pervert
ONE OF THE THINGS they don’t teach in Women’s Studies classes is that pioneering feminist author [and close associate of the Jewish Frankfurt School “intellectuals” — Ed.] Simone de Beauvoir was a pervert who was fired from a teaching job for seducing teenage girls: In 1943, Simone…

The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin
by Michael Walsh IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community. A multitude of degenerate services…

Jewish Merchants of Sin and Porn, part 9: Jews and Porn
by Benjamin Garland NOTE: All parts of this series may be found here.
“I am probably the epitome of everything the Nazis hated: the Jew pornographer who besmirches the pure morals of the white Aryan world. Hitler would have thought of me as the Devil incarnate.” — Al Goldstein1
AS WE SAW in part 8…

The Jews Teaching Our Kids: Guide to “Anal Sex” for 11-year-olds
by David Sims ADVANCE Publications is a print media conglomerate that owns most of the local newspapers in most of the mid-sized towns within the United States. It owns, for example, both the Huntsville Times and the Birmingham Post-Herald, in Alabama. There’s a good chance that it also owns…

“Transgender Woman” Pleads Guilty to Taking Photos in Target Dressing Room
Introductory Note by David Sims: A “transgender female” is really only a perverted male. This particular pervert’s thrill was making amateur videos of real women who were using the changing stalls in department stores to try on new clothes. He held his video-equipped phone over…

FOX Comedy Features Six Year Old “Trans” Boy Wearing Bondage Gag
A SICKENING NEW “comedy” show on FOX features a 6-year-old boy wearing a bondage gag. The boy, who is apparently “transgendered,” is seen wearing the gag after burning his tongue licking a hot grill at a Benihana style restaurant in exchange for $1,000 from his older teenage…