Posts Tagged
Sexual perversion

Corrupting the Youth
11-year-old Desmond Napoles with “friend” and fellow “drag” performer by Douglas Mercer THEY GOT Socrates on a charge of corrupting the youth of Athens; and a righteous verdict it was. He wanted to replace the active, virile life of the Greeks with dime-store philosophers…

A Parade of Horribles
Trump and his nominee Gorsuch by Douglas Mercer WHEN, IN 1987, Ronald Reagan nominated Judge Robert Bork to be on the Supreme Court, famously bad driver Edward “Teddy” Kennedy sounded the fire bell in the night: Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back‐alley…

Close Your Eyes and Think of England
by George Mosley SOME JEW in the Jewish Village Voice once gave a rundown of the Jew show Transparent by writing that it chronicles: “adultery, abortion, threesomes, lesbians, transgenders, interracial hook-ups.” That is, sexual “freedom” at the end of the world. An ultramontane…

Hungary versus Sodomite Evil
THE MOST heroic action the contemptible bar codes in our kosher globalist bodega can engage in is having their rectums annihilated while blasted out of their minds on narcotics. This is bravery; this is “love.” A reprobate freakazoid who has to wear a diaper (down there, not on your face)…

Sweden: NRM Takes Action Against Indoctrination of Children by Perverts
The Resistance Movement recently took action against organisations hosting drag queen “story times” in public venues. The activism was met by virulent headlines in the media. SWEDEN’S Nest 1 cordoned off public venues hosting subversive activities in the localities of Nykvarn and Täby on…

Pervert Journalist Gushes: Tel Aviv Is the “Gayest City on Earth”
We don’t know what the Boston Globe’s “Christopher Muther”’s racial background is, but his falsetto paean to Jew invert “culture” is so disgusting — and this in a paper accessible to children — that we will only excerpt a few key paragraphs here,…

The Life Force and Trump’s Great Initiative
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 22 February, 2020 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2020-0222 – The Life Force and Trump’s Great Initiative.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom A FEW MONTHS ago, there was yet another “big win” for…

The Pritzkers and Transgenderism
IT SEEMS LIKE we woke up one day to find that, out of nowhere, distinguishing between male and female has become illegal. In defiance of intuition, common sense and 3rd grade biology, a number of liberal plutocracies like Canada and the United Kingdom have legislated to force-feed their subjects the…

Bring Forth the Cleansing Hell Fire
THERE WAS A TIME, and it wasn’t all that long ago, when magazines for teenage girls were mere innocent entertainment. Mainly clothes and make-up. And romance. Said romance was of the innocent-girl-swept-off-her-feet-by-charming-suitor who in true gentlemanly fashion never ‘takes…

Don’t Take Even a Single Step Down That Road
by David Sims THERE IS a consistent pattern in the way the Jews and Cultural Marxists corrupt culture by instilling some sort of perversion within it. It begins with a request for tolerance, which is simply the right of the pervert group to be left alone and allowed to do their thing behind closed doors.…