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Czechia, Hungary, Serbia Fight ‘White Plague’ of Low Birthrates with Pro-Family Policies
PROCREATE or face extinction: that is the message from central European leaders to their shrinking populations, as across the region right-wing governments implement so-called “family first” policies to incentivise childbearing. Hungary’s government is holding an international summit on…
Why the Jews Want War
by Dr. William L. Pierce LAST WEEK we talked about the motivation for the Clinton government’s murderous attack on Yugoslavia. Mr. Clinton had two excuses for his war: it is to save lives, and it is to save American jobs, Clinton said. It is to save lives, because if we don’t whip the Serbs…
What Makes Madeleine Run
by Dr. William L. Pierce SOMETIMES I FEEL at a loss for words: for example, when I see something which is manifestly very evil or very dangerous or very foolish being done by the American government — something which is done in plain sight where everyone else can see it just as well as I can —…
Germany and America (Classic ADV Broadcast, 1999)
by Dr. William L. Pierce LAST WEEK we talked about conditions in Germany, where I had been to address a congress of the National Democratic Party of Germany. I emphasized two things: the racial and cultural degradation of Germany during 54 years of rule by an Occupation government and the lack of freedom…
Germany and America
by Dr. William L. Pierce LAST WEEK we talked about conditions in Germany, where I had been to address a congress of the National Democratic Party of Germany. I emphasized two things: the racial and cultural degradation of Germany during 54 years of rule by an Occupation government and the lack of freedom…
Enemies of Liberty
by Dr. William L. Pierce IT HAS BEEN SAID that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. That makes sense to me. I believe it’s true. But it certainly isn’t good news for America. It’s not good news because eternal vigilance is simply too high a price for most Americans today. They’re…
Smell the Blood!
by Dr. William L. Pierce DURING THE PAST few weeks we’ve been talking mostly about the Clinton government’s war against Serbia, and I’ve sometimes gotten a little hot under the collar. Some listeners have accused me of becoming intemperate. Well, perhaps so. But let me assure…
How They Rule
by Dr. William L. Pierce YOU KNOW, it’s a frustrating and infuriating thing watching Clinton and his crew of nation-wreckers gloating over their successful bullying of Serbia. Madeleine has been screeching and squawking like the Wicked Witch of the West, and Bill has been wagging his finger…
State-Sponsored Terrorism
by Dr. William L. Pierce THE PEOPLE who are trying so desperately to destroy Serbia now are a pretty weird bunch. The latest tactic they’ve come up with is to have computer hackers and cryptography experts in the “dirty tricks” division of our Central Intelligence Agency break into…
The Bigger War
by Dr. William L. Pierce (1999) PERHAPS BY NOW you are tired of hearing me talk about Madeleine Albright’s genocide against the Serbs. There certainly are plenty of other interesting things we could discuss: more horrifying Black-on-White crimes that the Jewish media have hushed up, more shocking…