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100 Years of American Weakness
America: too weak now, too weak then. Let’s be strong instead. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 26 August, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom THIS MONTH MARKS two anniversaries which the media are hyping in the area where I live, just north of Rust Belt central, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The first…

Jews, White Supremacism, and White Nationalism
Artist’s conception of sleek antibodies fighting angular disease organisms in the bloodstream: Racial-nationalists are society’s antibodies against invading alien cells; support them! by David Sims I LIKE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS that seekers ask on Quora, a widely read Web site. Here…

Saint Hitler, World War 2, and Nature’s God
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard GOD IS great, and He has selected Whites! World War 2 was a great struggle of the White genome against the evil forces that want Whites to stop evolving and to blend in with non-Whites — and thus go extinct as Whites. Saint Hitler and the…

God’s Plan for Our Kind Alone
As revealed to Arman and written down by H. Millard GOD’S PLAN for our kind alone can be stated very directly and very simply: God has selected us to evolve into a new human species that we call Homo novus and God wants us to replace all earlier kinds of human in the fullness of time and then to continue…

Nearly a Third of Canadians in the Whitest Provinces Now Say Secession Would Be a Good Thing
Quebec, the Prairie provinces, the Maritimes: Millions say they would be better off if they seceded from invaded, anti-White, and pro-invasion Ottawa. A NEW Ipsos poll has given another indicator of what many already suspected: The prairie provinces are more eager than ever to separate from the rest…

Racial Separatism is Humanitarian
by James Miller (pictured) MULTICULTURALISM WITHIN a nation leads to internal tension and eventual violent conflict. Six thousand years of human warfare proves this (i.e., roughly 80% of all wars throughout history are rooted in racial/ethnic/religious conflict). All races and ethnicities are…